Theme 3 Development & Other Human Activities Draft Recommendations Chair: Bocoum - Senegal Rapporteur: Wakibara - Tanzania Expert’s meeting on Global State of Conservation for WH Properties, Dakar, Senegal, Apr 2011
Recommendations of Expert’s meeting on Global State of Conservation for WH Properties, Dakar, Senegal, Apr Notes that the need to effectively safeguard buffer zones/boundaries in conservation of especially the African cultural heritage properties is not sufficiently addressed in the current WHC Operational Guidelines. Recommends that the current Operational Guidelines be strictly adhered to especially for properties inscribed prior to the year 2005 in order to adequately protect buffer zones/boundaries as a prerequisite for effective conservation of the OUV’s in World Heritage Properties.
2.Notes the widespread lack of community awareness on and appreciation of the value(s) of African Cultural [and natural] Heritage properties. Recommends the nation-wide initiation cultural heritage sensitization programs targeting groups such as private enterprises, government institutions, traditional (influential) leaders, and the youth using the media and other effective methods. Further recommends supplementing school curricula with heritage topics at various academic levels Recommendations of Expert’s meeting on Global State of Conservation for WH Properties, Dakar, Senegal, Apr 2011
3.Notes with concern the recent proliferation of development projects within the World Heritage properties notably mining and petroleum exploration with immediate and potential negative impacts to OUVs of these properties. Also notes the urgent need of ensuring that transparent, participatory and professionally acceptable Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)/Environmental Management programs are carried out and reports approved as a checkpoint for addressing the potential and immediate adverse impacts of the developmental undertakings to the World Heritage properties. Further notes that currently the World Heritage Centre is ill prepared at effectively reviewing the large volumes of submitted EIA’s and that it lacks clear guidelines on following up the entire EIA processes for specific properties. Recommends that the Word Heritage Centre simplifies the process of reviewing the EIA’s by, for instance, establishing a specific unit for reviewing EIA’s so as to fast truck the review process in a proactive and adaptive manner. Clear guidelines are needed to guide the state parties in this process. Recommendations of Expert’s meeting on Global State of Conservation for WH Properties, Dakar, Senegal, Apr 2011
4.Notes with concern that Paragraph 172 of the Operational Guidelines of World Heritage Committee is silent on the need for submission of EIA’s for projects planned to take place within World Heritage properties. Recommends an amendment of the Operational Guidelines to accommodate for an effective follow-up (within an efficient timeframe) of EIA processes concerning African World Heritage properties in an adaptive manner. Further recommends that EIA’s pay special attention addressing the OUV’s of World Heritage properties. Recommendations of Expert’s meeting on Global State of Conservation for WH Properties, Dakar, Senegal, Apr 2011
5.Notes with concern the adverse impacts that evolving global challenges such as climate change and natural disasters, and social conflicts and wars on African World Heritage properties. Recommends putting in place appropriate mitigation and adaptation measures including early warning systems. Recommendations of Expert’s meeting on Global State of Conservation for WH Properties, Dakar, Senegal, Apr 2011
6.Notes the conflicting and/or opposing legal and administrative procedures governing the implementation of the convention in some state parties. Further notes that even the legal wording of the WH convention is in some instances not adequately superior to mandate State parties’ political systems intervene in favor of heritage matters. Recommends to strengthen the legality of operational guidelines and streamline the legal and administrative frameworks in State Parties in a view to improve the management of the World Heritage properties. Recommendations of Expert’s meeting on Global State of Conservation for WH Properties, Dakar, Senegal, Apr 2011
7.Notes the unique and important role of African states to safeguard and effectively transmit their rich cultural heritage to successive generations. Further notes with concern the widespread lack of documentation of African Cultural heritage, which compromises efforts to safeguard and pass over these values to the future generations. Recommends participatory initiatives at documenting, packaging, safeguarding and disseminating of African Cultural heritage information to relevant stakeholders including the local communities using the media and other effective means including the use of ICT. Also recommends linking these initiatives with the UNESCO 2003 convention on safeguarding intangible heritage. Recommendations of Expert’s meeting on Global State of Conservation for WH Properties, Dakar, Senegal, Apr 2011
8.Notes with appreciation that the World Heritage Centre monitoring mechanisms have been effective and appreciated by the African State parties as a means of improving management of World Heritage properties. Recommends a continuation and strengthening of such measures as per needs. Recommendations of Expert’s meeting on Global State of Conservation for WH Properties, Dakar, Senegal, Apr 2011
9.Notes with concern an increasing complex interplay of stakeholders with opposing management interests in some African World Heritage properties including local communities and the elite politicians and the civil society. Recommends undertaking of participatory and adaptive management approaches that takes on board interests of segments of key stakeholders in order to facilitate sustainable management of world heritage properties. Further recommends program as opposed to project level approaches in sustainably managing the African World Heritage properties. Recommendations of Expert’s meeting on Global State of Conservation for WH Properties, Dakar, Senegal, Apr 2011
Thanks Recommendations of Expert’s meeting on Global State of Conservation for WH Properties, Dakar, Senegal, Apr 2011