Financial overview 2015 and 2016
What we plan to spend in 2016
How we plan to pay for it in 2016 Shortfall £32,718
What we plan to spend Total£213,600 Parish Ministry£66,081 Children and Young People £33,525 Other staff and administration £38,719 Parish Centre maintenance £21,000 Church maintenance £20,100 Evangelism and world mission £18,675 Refurbishment£15,500 How we plan to pay for it Total£180,882 Regular Giving Income £117,000 Gift Aid tax received £27,500 Collections and gifts £5,000 Parish Centre lettings £25,082 Other£6,300 St Appeal £30,500 St Matthew’s Budget 2016
What we spent Total£182,328 Parish Ministry£57,671 Children and Young People £27,763 Other staff and administration £37,393 Parish Centre maintenance £26,056 Church maintenance £12,035 Evangelism and world mission £17,431 Refurbishment£3,979 How we paid for it Total£185,290 Regular Giving Income £116,091 Gift Aid tax received £28,643 Collections and gifts £10,104 Parish Centre lettings £23,532 Other£6,920 St Appeal £0 St Matthew’s 2015
What we spent in 2015
How we paid for it in 2015