Perceptions Of Executive Government Leadership In The Age Of Engagement and Community Based Decision Making Andrew Leader Flinders University
Project aim Explore potential impacts of community engagement on democratic society and institutions
Policy challenges Climate change Environmental degradation Wealth disparity Resource availability
New approaches Community problem? action risk ideas opportunity
New approaches generate new risks and opportunities that need to be better understood
A bit about me....
Engagement is a powerful new force that could reshape our government systems
Traditional hierarchical model of government Politicians Bureaucrats Citizens
Community based decision making - Risk and reward
Consequences - Need for better understanding
Focus of the research Community Senior government decision makers Political executive government
Traditional hierarchical model of government Politicians Bureaucrats Citizens
Political executive government sub- group Auto ethnographic approach
Definitions Community – 1.6 million individuals Senior government decision makers – 1,400 individuals Political exe3cutive government – 450 individuals
My approach to consultation and engagement Equity
Senior government decision makers Community Political executive government
Methodological approach Complimentary approach Interviews Questionnaires
Intent Differences in perceptions and expectations between sub-groups
Identifying members of each sub-group
Ethical risks Confidential process
Complexities of researching in this area Mirrors the complexities of community engagement
The questions Perception Outcomes Any differences
Future areas of research
Expected outcomes and findings