When steroids enter the bloodstream, they are distributed to the muscles as well as the major organs of the body. Once there, the steroids bind to specific receptors and then enter the nucleus of the cell, where they are able to stimulate the production of new proteins. These proteins are responsible for the sought-after effects of steroids. They are also responsible for the side- effects.
Black market steroids are sold through body building magazines drug dealers in gyms even through some pharmacists
Interferes with puberty Still growing Trying to fit in (feel pressured)
3) Often try replacement drugs 2) Withdrawal symptoms 1) Develop a dependence
Testicular atrophy Reduced sperm count Breast tissue development ImpotenceBaldness Males
Growth of facial hair Deepened voice (often permanent) Breast reduction Change in menstrual cycle Females
Acne HIV (from sharing needles) Jaundice Swelling of feet and ankles Increase aggression Headaches Aching joints Reduction in good cholesterol (HDL) Liver damage High blood pressure Stroke Heart Attack
Proper Nutrition Enough Rest and Recovery Overload Training