Redmond Protocols Plugfest 2016 Yan ZENG File Server Family Test Suite Updates Software Engineer
Agenda File Server Family Test Suite Overview RSVD Overview and Update SQOS Overview and Update Demo Q & A
File Server Family Test Suite Overview MS-SMB2 Dialect to Negotiate, Session Management, Tree Connect, Create, Lease, Durable Handle, Encryption, Signing, AppInstanceId, Multiple Channel, Replay and etc. MS-DFSC (DFS Referral) MS-FSRVP (Remote VSS) MS-SWN (Witness) MS-FSA (File System Algorithms) MS-RSVD (Remote Shared VHD) RSVD version 1 & 2 MS-SQOS (Storage QoS) SQOS dialect 1.0 and 1.1 Updated with Windows Server 2016 TP5
RSVD Overview and Update
RSVD overview File Server VM RSVD over SMB3 Test Suite
RSVD Test Scenarios OpenCloseSharedVHD TunnelOperationToSharedVHD ReadWriteSharedVHD QuerySharedVirtualDiskSupport TwoClientsAccessSameSharedVHD ConvertVHDtoVHDSet QueryVHDSetFileInfo Snapshot ExtractAndOptimizeVHDSet Resize Updated with Windows Server 2016 TP5
Create and Delete Snapshot Client (Test Suite) Server Establish SMB2 connection Open the shared virtual disk SMB2 IOCTL Request CtlCode: FSCTL_SVHDX_ASYNC_TUNNEL_REQUEST OpCode: RSVD_TUNNEL_META_OPERATION_START OpType: SvhdxMetaOperationTypeCreateSnapshot SMB2 IOCTL Response SVHDX_META_OPERATION_REPLY SMB2 Close and Logoff SMB2 IOCTL Request CtlCode: FSCTL_SVHDX_SYNC_TUNNEL_REQUEST OpCode: RSVD_TUNNEL_DELETE_SNAPSHOT SMB2 IOCTL Response SVHDX_TUNNEL_OPERATION_HEADER Query the snapshot entry to make sure it’s created
Apply Snapshot Client (Test Suite) Server Create a snapshot Delete the snapshot Apply the previous snapshot OpType: SvhdxMetaOperationTypeApplySnapshot Write to the file Read 512 bytes again Compare to the bytes read in step 2 Read 512 bytes Open the shared virtual disk file Close the shared virtual disk file
Query Virtual Disk Changes Client (Test Suite) Server Create a snapshot Delete the two snapshots Create another snapshot Write to the file Query the virtual disk changes SVHDX_TUNNEL_QUERY_VIRTUAL_DISK_CHANGES_REQUEST Open the shared virtual disk file Close the shared virtual disk file
Open Shared VHD Set By Target Specifier Client (Test Suite) Server Create a snapshot Close the shared virtual disk file Reopen the file using a Target Specifier FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION EaValue: RSVD_BLOCK_DEVICE_TARGET_SPECIFIER SnapshotID Open the shared virtual disk file Close the shared virtual disk file
Extract VHD Set Client (Test Suite) Server Extract the VHD OpCode: RSVD_TUNNEL_META_OPERATION_START OpType: SvhdxMetaOperationTypeExtractVHD SourceSnapshotId DestinationVhdName Open the shared virtual disk file Close the shared virtual disk file Create a snapshot
Optimize Client (Test Suite) Server Optimize the VHD OpCode: RSVD_TUNNEL_META_OPERATION_START OpType: SvhdxMetaOperationTypeOptimize Open the shared virtual disk file Close the shared virtual disk file
Resize Client (Test Suite) Server Resize the VHD OpCode: RSVD_TUNNEL_META_OPERATION_START SVHDX_META_OPERATION_RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK NewSize Open the shared virtual disk file Close the shared virtual disk file Reopen the shared virtual disk file And verify the VirtualSize of SVHDX_OPEN_DEVICE_CONTEXT_V2_RESPONSE is changed correctly Close the shared virtual disk file
SQOS Overview and Update
SQOS overview File Server Policy Manager VM SQOS over SMB3 Test Suite
SQOS Protocol Update SQOS dialect 1.1 Two new fields are added in STORAGE_QOS_CONTROL_REQUEST BandwidthLimit KilobyteCountIncrement One new field is added in STORAGE_QOS_CONTROL_RESPONSE MaximumBandwidth
SQOS Test Suite Update A new config item is added to SQOS test suite
Demo ENV Client01 (Test Suite) ScaleoutFS Node01 Node02 Storage01 DC01 \\ScaleoutFS\SMBClustered
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