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Math Education Consumption and Production Crime and Guns Pollution and Environment Quality of Life Reading Science Spending on Ed Graduate Ed Retirement Paid Vacation Hours worked GDP Longevity Cleanliness UN Sustainability Overall Pollution Air Pollution GHG emissions Murder Guns Overall Crime Prisoners Rape Cars Clothes Farming Electricity Manufacturing Final Summary Result: Click Here Final Summary Result: Click Here
1 - Math Where does the US Rank in Math on Standardized tests? Where does the US Rank in Math on Standardized tests? 36 th with China as #1, Singapore as #2, Hong Kong #3, Taiwan #4, S. Korea as #5, Japan as #7, Canada as #13 and yet the US is #5 for money spent per student. 36 th with China as #1, Singapore as #2, Hong Kong #3, Taiwan #4, S. Korea as #5, Japan as #7, Canada as #13 and yet the US is #5 for money spent per student.
1 – Reading Comprehension How does the US compare on reading and literacy? How does the US compare on reading and literacy? #24 with China as #1, Japan #4, Finland #6, Canada #7, Australia #13 #24 with China as #1, Japan #4, Finland #6, Canada #7, Australia #13
1 - Science Where does the US rank in Science? Where does the US rank in Science? #28 with China as #1, Singapore as #3, Japan #4, Canada as #10, Germany as #10. Even Slovenia and Vietnam are ranked above the US. #28 with China as #1, Singapore as #3, Japan #4, Canada as #10, Germany as #10. Even Slovenia and Vietnam are ranked above the US.
1 – Spending on Ed Where does the US rank in spending per capita? Where does the US rank in spending per capita? While the answer varies by state, overall the US is #5, behind Austria #1, Luxemburg #2, Norway #3, Switzerland #4. The US teachers are highly unionized and it is not clear that spending and education quality are linked since the teachers unions protect bad teachers. While the answer varies by state, overall the US is #5, behind Austria #1, Luxemburg #2, Norway #3, Switzerland #4. The US teachers are highly unionized and it is not clear that spending and education quality are linked since the teachers unions protect bad teachers.
1 – Graduate Education Where does the US Rank in terms of graduate education in the world? Where does the US Rank in terms of graduate education in the world? In some fields: medicine, business, law, bio- tech, computer science, pharmaceuticals, the US can claim to be #1 or competitive with the best in the world. The US attracts many foreign students who study in the US and then often go back home. In some fields: medicine, business, law, bio- tech, computer science, pharmaceuticals, the US can claim to be #1 or competitive with the best in the world. The US attracts many foreign students who study in the US and then often go back home.
2 – Consumption and Production Where does the US rank in terms of productivity per hour worked? Where does the US rank in terms of productivity per hour worked? Norwayis #1 with a productivity in 2013 dollars of per hour worked. Then Luxembourg at 73.22, the US at #3 with 67.32, Belgium at 60.98, Netherlands at60.06, France at 59.24, Germany at Based strictly on manufacturing work, Germany, Korea and Japan would rank above the US. Norwayis #1 with a productivity in 2013 dollars of per hour worked. Then Luxembourg at 73.22, the US at #3 with 67.32, Belgium at 60.98, Netherlands at60.06, France at 59.24, Germany at Based strictly on manufacturing work, Germany, Korea and Japan would rank above the US.
2 – Consumption and Production Where does the US rank in terms of electrical energy consumption per capita? Where does the US rank in terms of electrical energy consumption per capita? The US is 6 th in the world. Iceland requires the most energy per person, but produces much of it via sustainable sources, Norway, Canada and Finland all require lots of heat and light and Kuwait requires lot of cooling. The US is 6 th in the world. Iceland requires the most energy per person, but produces much of it via sustainable sources, Norway, Canada and Finland all require lots of heat and light and Kuwait requires lot of cooling.
2 – Consumption and Production Where does the US rank in terms of farming productivity per capita? Where does the US rank in terms of farming productivity per capita? The US is #1 in terms of efficient food production per farm worker, less so in terms of water use, and #3 overall for total food production after China and India. Brazil is #4. The US is a large exporter of food and produces far more than it consumes. The US is #1 in terms of efficient food production per farm worker, less so in terms of water use, and #3 overall for total food production after China and India. Brazil is #4. The US is a large exporter of food and produces far more than it consumes.
2 – Consumption and Production Who is the largest importer of clothes in the world, per capita? Who is the largest importer of clothes in the world, per capita? The US is the largest importer of clothes per capita with 40% coming from China. The US makes very little of it’s own clothing even if it is designed here. The US is the largest importer of clothes per capita with 40% coming from China. The US makes very little of it’s own clothing even if it is designed here.
2 – Consumption and Production How does the US rank in terms of vehicles owned per capita? How does the US rank in terms of vehicles owned per capita? The US is fourth at 8.1 per 10 people, behind San Marino at 12.6 cars per 10 people, Monaco at 8.4, and Lichtenstein at 8.3, all wealthy countries per capita. Of course some countries have efficient public transit systems and owning a car is simply not necessary. The US is fourth at 8.1 per 10 people, behind San Marino at 12.6 cars per 10 people, Monaco at 8.4, and Lichtenstein at 8.3, all wealthy countries per capita. Of course some countries have efficient public transit systems and owning a car is simply not necessary.
3 - Crime Where does the US rank on rapes per capita? Where does the US rank on rapes per capita? #7 in the world behind Sweden ar #1 with over 60 rapes per 100,000 people per year, Jamaica at #2, Boliva at #3, Costa Rica at #4, New Zealand at #5 and Belgium at $6. The rapes in some countries are likely higher than any of these countries but remain unreported due to social stigma such as in Arab countries and some African countries where rape is a tool of war. #7 in the world behind Sweden ar #1 with over 60 rapes per 100,000 people per year, Jamaica at #2, Boliva at #3, Costa Rica at #4, New Zealand at #5 and Belgium at $6. The rapes in some countries are likely higher than any of these countries but remain unreported due to social stigma such as in Arab countries and some African countries where rape is a tool of war.
3 - Crime Where does the US rank in terms of incarcerations per capita? Where does the US rank in terms of incarcerations per capita? Aside from the very small country of Seychelles the US is #1 among large countries with nearly 700 prisoners per 100,000 populat Germany at 78. Aside from the very small country of Seychelles the US is #1 among large countries with nearly 700 prisoners per 100,000 population. Cuba is at 510, Australia at 152, China at 118, Italy at 86, Germany at 78.
3 - Crime Where does the US rank in overall crime in the world per capita? Where does the US rank in overall crime in the world per capita? #22 with 42 per 100,000 population per year and behind the UK, France, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland. This might suggest the US is relatively safe although far more dangerous than Japan at 22 crimes of all types per 100,000 population and this includes petty crime. #22 with 42 per 100,000 population per year and behind the UK, France, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland. This might suggest the US is relatively safe although far more dangerous than Japan at 22 crimes of all types per 100,000 population and this includes petty crime.
3 - Crime Where does the US rank in terms of gun ownership per person? Where does the US rank in terms of gun ownership per person? #1 by far with 112 per 100 people, which means some people own many guns. Serbia is #2 at 76, Yemen #3 at 55. Japan with it’s low murder rate is at.6 guns per 100 people. #1 by far with 112 per 100 people, which means some people own many guns. Serbia is #2 at 76, Yemen #3 at 55. Japan with it’s low murder rate is at.6 guns per 100 people.
3 - Crime How doe the US rank in murder per capita? How doe the US rank in murder per capita? #108 for the US, well below the murder rates in Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela and most African countries but at 3.9 per 100,000 people the US is far more dangerous than Japan, with strict gun control laws, at.3 or Switzerland at.5 or Norway at.6 or UAE at.7 or Italy at.8 #108 for the US, well below the murder rates in Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela and most African countries but at 3.9 per 100,000 people the US is far more dangerous than Japan, with strict gun control laws, at.3 or Switzerland at.5 or Norway at.6 or UAE at.7 or Italy at.8
4 - Pollution Who is # 1 for Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions Per Capita? Who is # 1 for Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions Per Capita? Canada is #1, the US is #2, Russia is #3. China produces the most total GHG but produces less than half the US rate per person. Canada is #1, the US is #2, Russia is #3. China produces the most total GHG but produces less than half the US rate per person.
4 - Pollution How does the US compare on Air Pollution to the world? How does the US compare on Air Pollution to the world? The US has fairly clean air ranking in the top 10 countries. The implementation of the catalytic converter and no lead gas, both moves the auto industry said would be too expensive have helped, yet Canada and Australia have cleaner air not because of less pollution, but simply more area per person over which to spread the pollution. The US has fairly clean air ranking in the top 10 countries. The implementation of the catalytic converter and no lead gas, both moves the auto industry said would be too expensive have helped, yet Canada and Australia have cleaner air not because of less pollution, but simply more area per person over which to spread the pollution.
4 - Pollution Which countries are the highest polluters in absolute terms in the world? Which countries are the highest polluters in absolute terms in the world? China is #1, then the US is #2 followed by Brazil, Indonesia and Japan. Coal use remains one of the largest reasons for pollution among these industrialized countries. China is #1, then the US is #2 followed by Brazil, Indonesia and Japan. Coal use remains one of the largest reasons for pollution among these industrialized countries.
4 - Pollution Based on the UN HSDI rankings for sustainability and environmental protection how does the US rank? Based on the UN HSDI rankings for sustainability and environmental protection how does the US rank? #28 with Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Israel, Iceland ranked in the top group based on overall sustainability. The lack of public transit in many cities and low access to transit hurts the US ranking. The culture of biking helps many countries as well. #28 with Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Israel, Iceland ranked in the top group based on overall sustainability. The lack of public transit in many cities and low access to transit hurts the US ranking. The culture of biking helps many countries as well.
4 - Cleanliness Which countries are the cleanest in the world? Which countries are the cleanest in the world? Correlated with pollution but also affected by size and being near the ocean, population density and access to cleaner power, Iceland is #1, then Switzerland, Costa Rica, Sweden, Norway, Mauritius, France, Austria, Cuba are among the cleanest countries. Correlated with pollution but also affected by size and being near the ocean, population density and access to cleaner power, Iceland is #1, then Switzerland, Costa Rica, Sweden, Norway, Mauritius, France, Austria, Cuba are among the cleanest countries.
5 – Quality of Life How does the US rank on longevity? How does the US rank on longevity? #28 th well below the top four of Switzerland, Japan, Italy, and Spain. This is despite spending more money per capita by far on health care than any other country. Insurance costs to protect against lawsuits plague the US system. Tort reform would lower costs but Congress, filled with lawyers, has opposed tort reform or limits. #28 th well below the top four of Switzerland, Japan, Italy, and Spain. This is despite spending more money per capita by far on health care than any other country. Insurance costs to protect against lawsuits plague the US system. Tort reform would lower costs but Congress, filled with lawyers, has opposed tort reform or limits.
5 – Quality of Life How does the US rank on GDP per person? How does the US rank on GDP per person? #10 or 11 depending on how you rank with adjustments for purchasing power. The top 9 are Luxemburg, Norway, Quatar, Macao, Switzerland, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, and Singapore. #10 or 11 depending on how you rank with adjustments for purchasing power. The top 9 are Luxemburg, Norway, Quatar, Macao, Switzerland, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, and Singapore.
5 – Quality of Life How does the US rank on hours worked per year per person? How does the US rank on hours worked per year per person? The US is 16 th, well ahead of most developed countries but well behind less developed countries. The hardest working people are #1 Mexico, #2 Costa Rica, then S. Korea, Greece, Chile, Russia, Latvia, and Poland. The US is 16 th, well ahead of most developed countries but well behind less developed countries. The hardest working people are #1 Mexico, #2 Costa Rica, then S. Korea, Greece, Chile, Russia, Latvia, and Poland.
5 - Vacation How does the US rank on paid vacation days compared to other countries? How does the US rank on paid vacation days compared to other countries? Among the worst down near Japan with less than half the paid vacation time found in France, the UK, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Germany and Portugal among others yet some of these countries have higher GDP per person than the US. Among the worst down near Japan with less than half the paid vacation time found in France, the UK, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Germany and Portugal among others yet some of these countries have higher GDP per person than the US.
5 –Quality of Life How does the US rank on retirement security? How does the US rank on retirement security? #19 with these countries providing more secure or earlier retirement: 1. Switzerland, Norway, Australia, Iceland, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Luxembourg, Canada, Finland, Republic of Korea, Czech Republic, Belgium, Japan, France #19 with these countries providing more secure or earlier retirement: 1. Switzerland, Norway, Australia, Iceland, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Luxembourg, Canada, Finland, Republic of Korea, Czech Republic, Belgium, Japan, France
Final Summary Where is the US # 1 in the world then? Where is the US # 1 in the world then? Farmers in the US are among the most efficient in terms of labor, although much less efficient than Israel in terms of water use. We are #1 in incarcerations per capita, quality graduate education, processed food production, military spending per capita (not covered here), health care spending per person and high on imports per person. The US scores average to low among developed countries on most education measures, quality of life and even GDP per person. Farmers in the US are among the most efficient in terms of labor, although much less efficient than Israel in terms of water use. We are #1 in incarcerations per capita, quality graduate education, processed food production, military spending per capita (not covered here), health care spending per person and high on imports per person. The US scores average to low among developed countries on most education measures, quality of life and even GDP per person.