TNC2012 Sat Mandri 21 May 2012
Acknowledgements Many thanks to: Our sponsorProject Partners 2
3 The Entity Tuakiri, New Zealand Access Federation Inc. is an incorporated society under the New Zealand Incorporated Societies Act Incorporated Societies Act 1908 Tuakiri, New Zealand Access Federation Inc. entity will manage the business; this will be achieved through the appointment of a Service Manager, who will work under the direction and governance of the Tuakiri Executive Members. The Entity Tuakiri, New Zealand Access Federation Inc. is an incorporated society under the New Zealand Incorporated Societies Act Incorporated Societies Act 1908 Tuakiri, New Zealand Access Federation Inc. entity will manage the business; this will be achieved through the appointment of a Service Manager, who will work under the direction and governance of the Tuakiri Executive Members. Ownership The ownership of Tuakiri is with the NZ Universities and the Crown Research Institutes. Tuakiri Executives Members will have the delegated authority to manage the business on their behalf. Ownership The ownership of Tuakiri is with the NZ Universities and the Crown Research Institutes. Tuakiri Executives Members will have the delegated authority to manage the business on their behalf. Facilities and Location(s) The office of Tuakiri will be located at: 58 Symonds Street Auckland, New Zealand Facilities and Location(s) The office of Tuakiri will be located at: 58 Symonds Street Auckland, New Zealand 1010.
4 The Service Tuakiri defines policy and operates central infrastructure to support coordinated approaches to identity management, authentication and authorization between institutions in New Zealand, enabling shared services and higher degrees of collaboration and efficiency across the sector. This enables federation users to securely and easily access federated resources or services at remote locations using a single set of credentials provided by their home institution.
The Members 5
6 Business Plan - highlights Business Plan Highlights Sustainability. Technological Development. National Access Federation Service for Education and Research. Production Subscription Service Launch. Co-federation. Membership Expansion. Steady-state. Not-for-profit.
Key focus Serve the New Zealand Higher Education and Research Community Grow membership and become New Zealand’s national access federation service Enable services and communicate the service catalogue to the users Confederation with AAF and TERENA/EduGAIN Continue the engagement with the global community through REFEDs/TERENA. And closely following some of the developments 7
Message from Nick Jones Director, New Zealand eScience Infrastructure 8
Thank you 9 Contact us: Sat Mandri – Project Leader Website