Enabling AFRIGEOSS Implementation: leadership, ownership, collaboration Dr Phil Mjwara GEO Co-Chair (African caucus) 1st AFRIGEOSS Symposium 27 April 2016, Elephant Hills, Zimbabwe
© GEO Secretariat Africa in Context … The Size of Africa Europe China Argentina India USA “48 States” New Zealand China 9,596,960 Km 2 USA9,363,071 Km 2 India 3,287,590 Km 2 Europe4,936,973 Km 2 Argentina2,766,890 Km 2 New Zealand 268,680 Km 2 TOTAL : 30,220,164 km 2 Area of Africa: 30,318,830 km 2 Source: World Factbook, Africa covers 20% of Earth’s land surface Accounts for 15% of the world’s total human population Africa in Context
Coordinate and bring together relevant stakeholders, institutions and agencies across Africa that are involved in GEO and other Earth observation activities; Provide a platform for countries to participate in GEO and to contribute to GEOSS; Assist in knowledge sharing and global collaborations; OBJECTIVES
WHY AFRIGEOSS ? GEO SBAGEO ResponseAFRIGEOSS response Sustainable Urban Development ????Urban planning and growth Population growth Land use Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture GEOGLAMFood security and agriculture, connecting with GEOGLAM Land use, Land cover Biodiversity and Ecosystem Sustainability GEOBON GFOI Forest and Deforestation management
95 Participating Organizations
GEOSS for AFRICA CBERS Africa, GEONETCast, SERVIR Africa, Sand and Dust Storm Warning System, AEGOS, Wildland Fire Early Warning System, Puma, AMESD, BIOTA, TIGERNET, SoDa, MERIT, African Protected Areas, ClimDev Africa, ChlorOGIN, FAO-AfriCover, MAFA, ARMC, EAMNET, WATPLAN, AFRIMASON, GARNET-E, SAGA-EO, GEONETCab, AGRICAB, EOPower, MESA, GMES & Africa Sensor Web SAEOSS
8 Thank you!