BELLRINGER 1- Abstinence is the only 100% effective way to… 2- List 3 contraceptives and explain how they work. *Turn in Contraceptive and STD notes from yesterday to the box* *Turn in quiz corrections to Ms. Philpot*
SIGNS OF PREGNANCY Female misses period (menstruation does not occur) Breast tenderness, feel fuller Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) Increased urination Fatigue (tired for no reason) If someone suspects pregnancy, they can take an over-the-counter pregnancy test for a pharmacy. HOWEVER, A PREGNANCY TEST NEEDS TO OCCUR AT THE DOCOTORS OFFICE AND MEDICAL ATTENTION MUST FOLLOW!
GUIDELINES FOR HEALTHY PREGNANCY Follow advice of doctor Eat a balanced diet everyday (you are eating for 2) Exercise moderately (walking is a good choice) Keep an eye of weight and let doctor know if you aren’t progressing properly Get plenty of sleep Do not smoke, drink alcohol, or do drugs Avoid taking medication unless approved by your doctor Avoid x-rays Do everything possible to avoid illness, especially viral diseases
PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT VOCAB Prenatal development is the growth of a baby in the mothers womb from conception to birth 9 months total
CONCEPTION When female egg is fertilized with male sperm Marks the beginning of pregnancy
ZYGOTE (ZI-GOAT) Once conception occurs, the fertilized egg is now called a zygote. This terminology is used until the zygote attaches to the uterine walls. Usually just 4 days long
EMBRYO (M-BRE-OH) Now called an embryo. The embryo will grow and develop in the womb. This terminology is used for the first 8 weeks after conception. Placenta and umbilical cord are developed during this time. Aid is bringing nourishment to embryo and removing waste. During this time, all of the baby’s organ’s will begin forming.
FETUS (FEET-US) Fetus is the final stage of prenatal development. Last from 8 weeks after conception until pregnancy. During this time, all organs and function develop to prepare fetus for the world outside of the womb.
PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT OCCURS IN TRIMESTERS 1 st Trimester 0-13 weeks Months 1-3 Most miscarriages and birth defects occur during this time Mom does not start showing, but hormone levels are high Mom can experience morning sickness
PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT OCCURS IN TRIMESTERS 2 nd Trimester weeks Months 4-6 “Golden period” because many symptoms go away Rapid grow in the fetus Mom begins to show
PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT OCCURS IN TRIMESTERS 3 rd Trimester weeks Months 7-9 Physical symptoms are the most prevalent for mom Rapid growth continues Increased pressure on mom’s pelvis in preparation for birth