Summer Term 2 Curriculum Overview for Nursery Parents Through the keyhole… Who lives in a house like this? COMMUNICATION & LANGUAGE The children will: Listen to stories, poems, songs, chants and action rhymes about families/homes/houses. Retell the following story: ‘The 3 Little Pigs’ Can we role play this story…acting it out and children videoing it with Tuff Cam’s? Consider character feelings and thoughts. Discuss the differences in types of homes. Be exposed to key vocabulary related to homes/houses/families. Use boxes to set up a sound library with letters and objects that begin with those letters. The next letter sounds we are learning are; y, (we are eating yoghurts), w, th, z, ch, q (which is always with u;qu) and x. We have now covered all of the alphabet and will be re-capping all our letter sounds. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT– The children will: Identify changes to their bodies during rest and exercise. Practice catching a large ball. Experiment with different ways of moving and how to land appropriately. Practice using scissors in a variety of activities. MATHEMATICS Numbers The children will: Say number names in order, 1 to 10 and beyond. To recognise the numerals 1-5 and those of importance to them (such as on their door) To realise that anything can be counted; the number of stairs in your house, the number of times you throw a ball, clap your hands etc. Begin to represent numbers on paper such as in a tally chart; Who has a red front door? Draw their front door and write the numbers on their door. Shapes, Space & Measures The children will: Use positional language (next to, behind, underneath etc) Use everyday language to talk about the sizes and shapes of houses; big, medium, small and build up the language of comparison bigger and smaller. To begin to talk about the shapes of objects they see; ‘round’ and ‘tall’. Show an interest in shapes in the environment; “the roof on that house looks like a triangle” etc. EXPRESSIVE ARTS & DESIGN The children will: Role play living in a house; What happens in their house? Role play & Re-enact the story of the 3 Little Pigs and Goldilocks & the 3 Bears. Make story maps and encourage the chn to make their own maps to follow in the outdoor area and woodland. Build their own homes and those of the 3 little pigs using a variety of materials. Make a healthy picnic to take on a farm trip. WRITING The children will: Make a story map of ‘The 3 Little Pigs’ also walking through the story map and using actions to retell the story. Take part in Shared Writing e.g. Write a list of things needed for our new home corner. Draw images of their family and write speech bubbles to tell us who lives in their house. Write shopping lists for food for the home corner Write labels and prices of foods for our farm shop outdoors. Continue to practice writing letter sounds and our names in a variety of media; sand, paint, mud, chalk etc. READING The children will: Read HOME (C. Ellis) as a starting point for future learning. Read and explore a variety of fiction and non-fiction books homes/houses including those of animals. Children can choose a book to take home weekly from our class library. PERSONAL SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The children will: Co-operate, take turns, explore and talk about their family and home. They will be encouraged to bring in a photograph of their family and front door for display. The children will visit the Reception class in preparation for September and will begin to document their visits in a ‘special book’ which will be sent home with them over the summer holidays. UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD The children will: Find out about houses and homes using non-fiction books and the internet. Understand why we have Fathers Day (19 th June) and why their daddy is important to them. The children will celebrate the Queen’s Birthday, by joining in with a big school garden party on 10 th June. Where does she live? How old is she? Who is she? They will show an interest and learn about the different occupations of people and ways of life. The children will begin to recognise the things that make them unique and talk about some of the similarities and difference in relations to their friends and family. Our Christian Value this half term is: endurance; You Can Do It! The children will explore what it means to endure something, what it means to persevere and really work to achieve a goal.