Department of Transportation FY 2013 Transportation Budget is $29.8 million ($495,000) or 1.6 percent lower than FY 2012 Revised Budget FY 2013 Sources: General Fund $4.3 million Parking Funds $16.5 million Transportation Sales Tax (Transit) Funds$9.0 million FY 2013 Uses: Personnel $5.0 million Services/Supplies $17.1 million IS charges $1.8 million Debt $1.9 million Transfers Out $2.2 million Other $1.7 million 1 FY 2013 Sources and Uses
2 Department of Transportation Budget History By Division or Major Budget Area Department of Transportation Budget History The biggest variation from FY2009 and FY2012 is the decrease in General Fund in the amount of ($1.14 million) which includes a (5.00) FTE decrease and reallocation of funding for positions to Parking and Transit funds.
3 Key Issues and Strategies Consolidated Parking Management System for citations and permits Facilities Management Program for Parking Garages Adaptive traffic signal control Guidance / Wayfinding TLSP Intersection projects (6) Transit Vehicle Arrival Information System Transit Branding Pedestrian Safety Projects Bicycle Transportation Plan Complete Streets Plan Updating of EV Charging System Asset Management System Parking Traffic Operations ARTS and Dial-A-Ride Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning/Capital
Department of Transportation General Fund Budget is ($485,000) lower due to a reduction of 2.00 FTEs and the reallocation of funding for positions to Parking and Transportation Sales Tax Funds The decrease of 2.00 FTEs is the elimination of a Senior Planner Position and the transfer of an Information Analyst III position to DoIT. The total personnel cost savings to Transportation are $281,578 Proposition A, Transportation Sales Tax Fund (208), has an increase of $164,000 in expenses due to a contractually required rise in contractor rates for Dial-A-Ride services Proposition C, Local Transit Fund (209), has an increase of $264,000 for a contractually required rise in contractor rate for the City’s ARTS bus service Overall, the Parking funds increased by $133,703 in expenditures due to operational costs for the parking garages. Includes scheduled ADA-required modifications for garage accessibility 4 Significant Changes From FY 2012 Budget