Adapted from Project ARTiculate’s Elements & Principles of Art
Line “A Line is a dot that went for a walk.” Paul Klee l. Henri Matisse(1944), Portrait of a Woman source: r. Indeterminate Line by Barnar Venet source:
Shape Shape: A flat (2D) enclosed area.. L. Organic Shapes by Cy Twombly, R. Geometric Shapes Shapes can be organic (left) or geometric ( right)
Color Color = Hue + Value + Intensity
Form Form A real or implied three dimensional shape. A form has depth, width, length, mass and volume. Forms can be geometric or organic. l. Value sphere (2009) retrieved from r. Barbara Hepworth (1960) Figure for a Landscape. Hirschorn Museum Washington D.C.
Value Value : The relative level of darkness or lightness.
Texture Texture : The tactile (touchable) qualities of an object, actual or implied. l. rust pustules on a leaf. Source: r. Painting by Artist Colleen Randall. Source: www.
Space Space is the area or distance between, around or defined by elements in art or the world. (for example walls)