EURO-MEDITERRANEAN S&T COOPERATION FP5- FP6 Overview of MPC participation in FP6 Activities Nicole Riveill, Unit N2 Directorate N, International cooperation D.G. Research 10th MOCO Tunis June 2005
FP Confirming the international role of community research A. Cooperation with certain categories of third countries A3. Mediterranean partner countries INCO-MED Priorities 1. Socio-economical modernisation 2. Managing scarce regional water resources 3. Preserving and using cultural heritage 4. Promoting healthy society 5. Regional environmental durability
General statistics on FP5 INCO MED l Total number of proposals submitted: 413 l Total number of participants : 1236 l Total number of contracts: 86 60 Research projects 07 Coordination actions 07 Thematic networks 10 Accompanying measures 01 A C Kitzmantel 01 Individual fellowship research grant l Total budget: 61.5 M €
FP5 Others thematic Sectors 18 Projects with 8 MPC countries (non associated) l 10 EESD Energy, Environment and sustainable development l 03 Quality of life and management of living ressources l 04 Information society l 01 Competitive and sustainable growth Funds from INCO
FP6-INCO-MPC Specific measures in support of international cooperation Mediterranean Partner Countries l B1- Environment Comprehensive policy for integrated water planning (1st and 2nd calls) Improving the water consumption by users and uses (1st and 2nd calls) Advanced water treatment, re-use and energy implication (1st and 2nd calls) Environmental risks (CA only) (2nd call) Renewable energy (2nd and 3rd calls) l B 2- Protection and conservation of cultural heritage Material artifacts, monuments and sites (1st and 2nd calls) Simulation – re-creation – comparative preservation methodology (1st call) Risks assessment and preventive conservation (1st and 2nd calls) l B 3- Health Health information and health management systems in support to health sector development and health policies responding to emerging population needs. (1st,2nd and 3rd calls) Research on regionally prevalent genetic disorders including appropriate strategies for integrated case management. (1st, 2nd and 3rd calls) Transborder biological and epidemiological aspects of surveillance and control of major regionally relevant communicable diseases. (1st and 2nd calls) Trauma and conflict. (1st call)
FP6 1st Call MPC 2002 Deadline:7 May 2003 l Call Identifier: FP INCO- MPC 1 l Deadline:7 May 2003 l Budget:25 M€ l Number of submitted proposals: 88 l Evaluated:79 l Selected: 22 l STREP: 17 – CA: 5
INCO-MPC 1 1st call, STREP and CA Results l Proposals submitted :88 l Evaluated proposals :79 (STREP :68,CA :11) l Selected proposals :22
FP6 / 1st call INCO-MPC 1 Participation by countries
FP6 1st call INCO-MPC 1 Participation by countries (8 MPC)
FP6 / INCO-MPC 1 Participation by countries (MS+ ACC+AS)
2nd Call MPC 14 September 2004 l Call Identifier: FP INCO-MPC 2 l Deadline:14 September 2004 l Budget:27.1 M€ l Number of submitted proposals: 120 l Evaluated:116 l Selected: 21 l STREP: 17 – CA: 4 l Reserve list: 1
FP6 / INCO-MPC 2 2nd call, STREP and CA l Proposals submitted :120 l Evaluated proposals :116 (STREP :100, CA :16) l Selected proposals :20 (+ 1 Reserve list)
Countries Participation in evaluated proposals Participation in selected proposals Countries Participation in evaluated proposals Participation in selected proposals Algeria12/479Austria5/172 Egypt21/9311Belgium4/104 Jordan16/7212Cyprus5/184 Lebanon8/377Germany7/577 Morocco29/10917Spain23/10010 Palestine4/92France20/9812 Syria8/365Greece11/658 Tunisia21/9412Italy26/12612 Turkey13/458Malta4/122 Israel1/181Netherlands3/92 Norway1/11Portugal2/152 Saudi Arabia 1/11United Kingdom9/417 China2/21Switzerland15/151 USA1/11Luxembourg1/11 Sub-Total128/56588Sweden1/11 Total264/ FP6 /2nd call INCO-MPC-2 Participation of countries/number of participants
2nd call -FP INCO-MPC-2
2 nd call FP INCO-MPC-2
SSA Results MPC SSA March 2003 September 2003March 2004 September 2004March 2005 Eval.Selec.Eval.Selec.Eval.Selec.Eval.Selec.Eval.Selec Multilateral Cooperation SSA March 2003 September 2003March 2004 September 2004March (1 MPC)13 5 (3MPC) (2 MPC)10
Euro-Med S&T Activities/Implementing Cairo’s MoCo Conclusions 1. Building an Information System from MPC’s : Euro- Medanet 1&2 2. Assess bilateral & EU S&T cooperation: ASBIMED 3. Indicators & design of Mediterranean Research & Innovation landscape: ESTIME 4. Set-up working programmes for future priorities: Med 7 5. Foresight for the Mediterranean: INNFORMED 6. Support to the S&T Cooperation Agreements: FEAST- Tunisia € invested in structural activities reinforcing the Euro- Med S&T cooperation
Overview of MPC participation in the FP 6 Research programme General Participation in FP6 per groups of countries “Opening”: 285 M€ “Specific activities INCO”: 315 M€ Data based on signed contracts, representative of initial estimates, contracts already registred March 2005 in CPM database (without results for DG TREN)
Contribution to Member States, M€
Participations per Member State, legal entities
Contribution to Candidate Countries, M€
Participation of Candidate Countries
Contribution to Associated States, M€
Participation of Associated States
Contribution to selected Third Countries
Participation of selected Third Countries
Contribution to MPCs, M€
Participation of MPCs
Contributions to MPC: INCO and O pening, M€
Participations by MPC: INCO and Opening
Conclusions u Negative Low interest from EU proposers in associating 3rd countries participants in their proposals Lack of information and awareness on both sides on the new opportunities of International Cooperation Success rate and financial contribution are much lower for INCO countries u Positive Higher participation in Thematic Priorities of interest for INCO target regions Association of valuable partners when thematic and country/regional potential are fitted Consistency of the international dimension of ERA
EURO-MEDITERRANEAN S&T Cooperation in FP6 l Future Activities l INCO- Calls + Priorities Calls
INCO Calls for proposals, 2005 Co-operation with third countries A: Developing countries B: Mediterranean Partner countries C: Western Balkan countries D: Russia and the other New Independent States Multilateral co-ordination of national RTD policies and activities E: Strengthening of co-ordination with other foreign policy instruments and definition of research priorities 13/9/2005 7/3/2005 and 7/9/2005 7/3/2005 7/3/2005 and 7/9/2005 STREP/CA SSA
Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) FP INCO MPC 3. 3rd Call for STREP and CA l Deadline: 13 September 2005 l Budget: 10 M€ l Minimum Consortium Participation: l 3 entities from 3 different MS or AC + l 2 entities from 2 different MED countries l Areas : B1-5: Renewable energies B 3: Health l Instruments: STREP, CA l Evaluation: Single stage procedure (2 steps) l Scientific evaluation + Regional evaluation
Developing Countries (DEV) FP INCO-DEV-3 l Deadline:13 September 2005 l Budget: 60 M€ l Minimum Consortium Participation: l 3 legal entities from 3 different MS or AC + l 3 legal entities from 3 different DEV countries from the same DEV region l Instruments: STREP, CA l Evaluation: Single stage procedure (2 steps)
Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) Specific Support Actions Call FP INCO-MPC/SSA-2 l Next deadline in 2005: 7 September l Budget: 0.6 M€ (September) l All MPC thematic areas l Instrument: SSA l Minimum Consortium Participation: l 1 entity from MS, AC, MPC l Evaluation: Single stage procedure
Multilateral co-ordination of national RTD policies and activities FP INCO-COMultilatRTD/SSA-5 l Deadline in 2005: 7 September l Budget: 1 M€ (September) l Minimum Consortium Participation: l 1 legal entity from MS, AC, INCO Target Countries l Areas and Instruments: SSA l Strenghtening of coordination with other foreign policy instruments and definition of research priorities l Evaluation: Single stage procedure
INCO SSA CALLS FOR 2006 l Final Deadline March 2006 l Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) l Specific Support Actions l Call FP INCO-MPC/SSA-2 l Multilateral co-ordination of national RTD policies and activities l Call FP INCO-COMultilatRTD/SSA-5
Other calls are foreseen soon for the FP6 Thematic priorities l 1: Life sciences, genomics … l 2-Infso: l 3-Nano: l 4-Transport: l 5- Food: l 6- Global changes: l 7- Socio-economic: l 8- Policy, NEST, SME’s
Further information l INCO infodesk: l INCO infopoint: l International Scientific cooperation policy: