Richard Merrett – Health Development Manager
ICE BREAKER Walking Bingo
Activity What does Health and Wellbeing mean to you?
What does ‘Making Every Contact Count’ mean to you?
Core MECC definition MECC is an approach to behaviour change that utilises the millions of day-to-day interactions organisations and individuals have with other people to support them in making positive changes to their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
MECC is not about… Adding another job to your already busy working day Becoming a specialist or counsellor Telling somebody what to do and how to live their live Providing a diagnosis or complicated clinical advice
Many illnesses are a direct result of the conditions people live in and the LIFESTYLE choices they make Population lifestyles present significant risks to health
Key Local & National Statistics Smoking prevalence (14.5%)(18.4%) Obese adults (19.2%)(23%) Obese children (15.8%)(19.1%) Excess weight in adults (55.7%)(63.8%) Physically Active Adults (63%)(56%) Hospital stays - alcohol related harm per 100,000 population (587)(645) (Health Profile 2015)
Extra Years Health inequality exists in Bath and North East Somerset For instance we know that, for men, life expectancy varies by up to 7 years along the stops of the number 20a/c bus route in Bath. People living in Twerton have a lower life expectancy than those who live just 5 bus stops away.
Why do we need to MECC? Research has found clients/patients welcome the opportunity to talk to staff about lifestyle issues, but don’t start the conversation themselves or think staff are too busy. National / Regional programme Duty of Care
Behaviour Change Changing behaviour is a complex task and there are many different stages to be considered. There are also many theories and models that can be used.
Stages of Change Model
Five Core Elements of MECC Stopping Smoking Increasing Physical Activity Reducing and maintaining CMO guidelines for alcohol Maintaining a healthy weight and diet Promoting mental health and wellbeing
MECC is about… Starting a ‘conversation’ Using opportunistic or planned contact Offering brief advice (30 seconds & 3 minutes) Enabling & empowering, NOT forcing or telling Encouraging people to self-care / self help You helping other people to know how they can improve their own health and wellbeing
Ask – Advise - Assist Ask Raise the issue with simple questions, during day-to-day contact with someone Advise Give messages about healthy lifestyle changes and tips to achieve them Assist Share information or encourage people to contact a relevant organisation
Key Advice Stopping smoking is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables – at least five portions a day Cut down on saturated fat, sugar and salt Keep active and try to maintain a healthy weight Men and women should keep within their recommended units of alcohol per day
Healthy Lifestyle Service Hub (Single Point of Access) Stop Smoking Weight Management Cook It SHINE Exercise Referral Resources
Healthy Lifestyle Service Healthy Lifestyle Service
Cotton Bud Debate ‘People should smoke, eat what they like and drink as much alcohol as they want because we all have to die of something’