Lesson 3 Climate Change
Starter The graph below shows the rise in temperatures over the last century, explain what physical and human factors have contributed to this. (6)
Learning Objective To understand the effects of Climate change will have LOCALLY.
Success Criteria I will be able to explain the effects of Climate Change in Scotland.
Mix and Match exercise in Pairs
Warmer temperatures and Changing climate patterns This means summer drought will become more common! Causing problems for water quality and water supply in Scotland
Natural Environment Climate change may affect the delicate balance of Scotland's ecosystem Scotland's species may struggle and could be lost.
Coasts! Sea levels are rising which are effecting coasts This impacts on Coastal flooding, erosion and coastline retreat.
Flooding – With climate change altering rainfall patterns. We expect flood risk to increase and heavy downpours. This will effect our people, heritage, businesses and communities.
Agriculture Impacts A warming climate has the potential to improve growing conditions in Scotland and increase the productivity of our agriculture and forestry
Pests and disease As our climate changes, it will create new conditions that may allow existing pests and disease to spread and new threats to become established in Scotland
People A warming climate may provide more opportunity to be outdoors and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. However, increasing temperatures could adversely affect people, with an increase in Skin cancer