List of laws, regulations, policies and development plans that allow for SPP The 1987 amended Constitution in article 253 declares: The Environment is the natural framework of life of the people, therefore practices that might disturb the ecological balance are strictly forbidden The June 12, 2009 on public procurement recognized that good governance and sustainable development are supported in particular by the implementation of credible and transparent financial procedures Budget for SPP implementation A déterminer Goods and services to start with for SPP implementation Existing sustainable products in the domestic market is not well –known, therefore prioritizing goods and services to start for SPP implementation will be done through; -meeting with suppliers to give them information on the way SPP will be performed and learn about the available sustainable products -meeting with staff of ministry of environment to learn about mandatory rules required for some goods and services. For example, caterers have to used biodegradable plates for takeaway Communication strategies and capacity building CNMP has the responsibility of reinforcing the capacity building of public procurers. To implement SPP, it will incorporate into its programs topics related to SPP: Three (3) training sessions will be organized for 200 procurers On the matter of communication strategies will be designed to disseminate information on SPP. Measuring impact Collect of statistical data regarding value and quantity on procurement requiring environmental and social criteria. Comparison of SPP data with conventional procurement. Country: HAITI Name of Participant: Sandra T. Joseph Action Plan to implement Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) Goals and timeline for SPP implementation Two (2) Meetings will be organized. With concerned entities to define goals and timelines Entities that have to be involved in SPP / Required human resources The following entities will have to play an important role in SPP The ministry of environment The ministry of trade and industry The ministry of public works, transport and communication The ministry of agriculture, natural resources and rural development The ministry of public health and population Chambers of commerce. After an assessment of the human resources of these Entities regarding quantity and capacity on SPP, their staff will have to be reinforced and trained Strategies to reduce or control the cost of sustainable goods and services Some Strategies to reduce cost in traditional procurement will be applied when shifting to SPP for example: Buying in bulk for several agencies; Use of framework agreements; Early publication of annual procurement plan with indication on procurement requiring environmental and social criteria Handbook/Guide on SPP for public procurers Elaboration of a handbook on SPP for public procurers. based on some models such as the INGP handbook Analysis of market readiness to deliver sustainable goods and services For a better knowledge of the ability of suppliers to deliver sustainable goods and services, market analysis will be conducted through: -desk-based research -recruitment of consultants for market consultation List of initiatives or progress made on SPP implementation The June 12, 2009 will be soon revised. Initiatives will be taken to incorporate into it and the regulations obligatory measures related to sustainability for acquisitions of goods, services and works by public purchasers.