doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission May May 2016 WG Motions Date: Authors: Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise)Slide 1
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission May 2016 Abstract This document is a composite of all sub-group motions that are brought to the May WG plenary meetings and EC meetings. Revisions –R0: containing motions for the Wednesday WG11 plenary –R1: at conclusion of Wednesday WG11 plenary –R2: containing motions for Friday WG11 plenary –R3: at conclusion of Friday WG11 plenary –R4: at the conclusion of the Friday 802 EC meeting (plenary only) Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise)Slide 2
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission WEDNESDAY May 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise)Slide 3
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission Motion “The WG directs its chairman to bring the following motion to the 802 EC as soon as such a motion would be in order and to vote in the affirmative on the motion: Moved: to make changes to the IEEE 802 LMSC Working Group Policies and Procedures as indicated by document changes-to-p-and-p” Moved: Dan Harkins Seconded: Stuart Kerry Result: Motion fails Slide 4Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise) May 2016
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission Motion: Wake-Up Receiver Study Group Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an Study Group to investigate the requirements and feasibility of the wake-up receiver (WUR) technique as described in doc 11-15/1307r1 with the intent of creating a PAR and CSD. Moved: Minyoung Park Seconded: Rolf DeVegt Result: Motion passes Slide 5Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise) May 2016
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission FRIDAY May 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise)Slide 6
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission Motion: Affirm TGaj chair Move to Affirm Jiamin Chen as TGaj chair. Moved: Jon Rosdahl Seconded: Donald Eastlake Result: Unanimous consent Slide 7Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise) May 2016
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 SubmissionDorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise) CatGroupChairVice Chair SCARCMark HAMILTONJoseph LEVY SCREGRichard KENNEDY SCPARJon ROSDAHL SCWNGJim LANSFORDLei WANG TGMCDorothy STANLEYMark HAMILTON Jon ROSDAHL TGAHYongho SEOK Alfred ASTERJADHI Zander LEI TGAIHiroshi MANOMarc EMMELMANN TGAJJiamin CHENHaiming WANG TGAKDonald EASTLAKEMark HAMILTON TGAQStephen MCCANNYunsong YANG TGAXOsama ABOUL-MAGDSimone MERLIN Ron PORAT TGAYEdward AUSangHyun CHANG TGAZJonathan SEGEVCarlos ALDANA May 2016 Slide 8 Move to confirm the Chairs and Vice-Chairs shown below: Moved: Stephen McCann Seconded: Jonathan Segev Result:
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission May 2016 GroupDate(s)StartDuration CACMon June 20, July 1812:00 ET1 hr TGajThurs July 721:001 hr ARCScheduled with 10 day notice TGahWeekly Tues May 24 to Aug 920:00 ET2.5 hrs TGaiScheduled with 10 day notice TGakMon June 6, 13, 20, July 1110:00 ET1.5 hrs TGmcFri May 27, June 310:00 ET3 hrs TGaqFri June 24, July 1Noon1 hr TGax Thurs June 2, 16, 30, July 14 June 23, July 7, Aug 4 10:00 ET 20:00 ET 2 hrs TGayWeds June 2910:00 ET1 hr TGazWeds June 1510:00 ET1 hrs Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise) Move to approve: Donald Eastlake Seconded: Guido Hiertz Result: Unanimous Teleconferences Slide 9
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission Motion: TGaj WGLB recirculation Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from WG Initial Letter Ballot on P802.11aj D1.0 Instruct the editor to generate P802.11aj D2.0, and Approve a 15 day Working Group Technical Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11aj D2.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Moved: Jiamin Chen on behalf of the Task Group Result:Unanimous TG result: Move: Haiming WANG, Second: Dejian LI, Results: Y 5 N 0 A 0, Motion passes May 2016 Slide 10 Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise)
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission Motion: TGaq WGLB recirculation Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB219 on 11aq D4.0 as contained in document r4, Instruct the editor to prepare 11aq D5.0 incorporating these resolutions and Approve a 15 day Working Group Technical Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the question “Should 11aq D5.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Moved: Stephen McCann on behalf of the Task Group Result: Unanimous [TGaq result, Moved: Mike Montemurro, Seconded: Yunsong Yang, Result: 4-0-0] May 2016 Slide 11 Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise)
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission Motion: Liaison response to 3GPP re: 60GHz radio measurements Move to approve the liaison response in 00ay-draft-liaison-response-to-r docx granting the WG chair editorial license. 00ay-draft-liaison-response-to-r docx Moved: Edward Au on behalf of TGay Seconded: Mike Montemurro Result: Motion passes TGay result: Moved:Laurent Cariou Seconded: Kerstin Johnsson Result: Slide 12Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise) May 2016
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission Motion: ANA Allocation for Opportunistic Wireless Encryption Move to instruct ANA to assign an extended element ID for the Diffie- Hellman Parameter element and AKM Suite Selector Suite Type for use by IETF Moved: Dan Harkins Seconded: Mike Montemurro Result: Fails on appeal (as technical motion) Reference: r7 Slide 13Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise) May 2016
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission Motion: Overrule the chair (procedural) Move to appeal the chair’s decision (prior motion was procedural) (affirmative: technical, negative: procedural) Moved: Stephen Palm Seconded: Hiroshi Mano Result: Motion passes Slide 14Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise) May 2016
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission Motion: Authorize TGaq to authorize MDR changes to the draft on a telecon Authorize TGaq on its teleconference on July 1 st noon ET to approve any changes resulting from the Mandatory Draft Review of the TGaq draft. Moved: Stephen McCann Seconded: Edward Au Result: Unanimous Slide 15Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise) May 2016
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission FRIDAY – EC MOTIONS PLENARY ONLY May 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise)Slide 16
doc.: IEEE /0529r3 Submission References May 2016 Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise)Slide 17