Starter Factorise fully the following expressions 1)3x + 3= 2)3x x= 3)x 2 - 7x + 12= 4)x 2 – 9= is there a common factor? more than one? 3(x + 1) 3x(x + 4) (x – 4)(x - 3) (x + 3)(x - 3) find two numbers whose product is +12 and whose sum is -7
Simplifying Algebraic Fractions By the end of this lesson All students must be able to factorise a linear or quadratic expression (Grade D/C/B/A) Most students should be able to simplify an algebraic fraction with linear expressions (Grade A) Some students could simplify an algebraic fraction with a quadratic expression (Grade A*)
Simplifying Algebraic Fractions Reduce this fraction Factorise the numerator and denominator, cancel the common factors = 3c Simplify by factorising Cancel the common factors 1 Factorise first before cancelling
Simplify Cancel the common factors lets do one that isn’t already factorised factorise the numerator first factorise the denominator Cancel the common factors write down what’s left 2 3 Grade A
Factorise and Simplify Cancel the common factorswrite down what’s left 4 Grade A* factorise the numerator firstfactorise the denominator Simplify the expressions fully 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
factorise the numerator factorise the denominator Simplify the expressions fully 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Cancel the common factors write down what’s left
Past GCSE Paper next lesson you will be learning how to factorise a quadratic with a number in front of the x 2 6x 2 + 5x + 1
Factorise and Simplify factorise the numerator first factorise the denominator Cancel the common factors write down what’s left 5 Tricky one 2 - a is the same as -1 x (a - 2)