POSSIBLE SOURCES OF GROUNDWATER POLLUTION ON THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION By Clifford Iron Shell Environmental Science Major Sinte Gleska University
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Ground water 44% of the population depends on ground water for drinking Contaminated groundwater Why should you care?
DATA NEEDS AND SOURCES State boundary – NRCS data gateway Elevation – NRCS data gateway Native American Land – NRCS data gateway Roads – NRCS data gateway Watersheds – NRCS data gateway NAIP Imagery – NRCS data gateway Land use and Land cover– NRCS data gateway Geographic names – NRCS data gateway Soils – ESRI Well data – Eric Wood and Janet Carter, USGS
METHODOLOGY Create a basemap in ArcGIS 10.3 using State boundaries, Native American lands, geographic names, and roads. Mask basemap to Rosebud reservation Determine availability of more recent well data and add new sample data if available Add well data to basemap - Use EPA water quality standards to determine a set of contaminants - Create a map of wells with known contaminants including arsenic, nitrogen, phosphate from sample data Develop a method to try and determine potential contaminant sources - Develop Slope and Aspect with hydrology intent to look at potential flow to wells - Use geology and soils data for natural contaminant and potential pollution sources - Use landuse/landcover data to determine where agricultural land is located - History of land usage, and potential sources of pollution (example, dump sites) If I have time a summary of water use types for which wells would be highest risk will be prepared
TIMELINE FOR WEEK 4 Week 4 (July 11 – July 15) Goal 1: Review tutorial Goal 2: Meeting with water resources and IHS environmental engineer Goal 3: Download and compare EPS standards to well sample data and determine contaminants to be studied Monday – Review tutorial, set up an appointment with water resources and IHS Tuesday – Conference with Mentor, create a basemap in ArcGIS Wednesday – Upload Progress to Kiksapa Portal, continue reviewing tutorial Thursday – Download EPA standards and determine contaminants Friday – Continue reviewing EPA standards, set up appointment with Kevin Kvame to review potential contaminants