Population Mr Whale Standard Grade Geography
You will need A new title “Population” An open mind.
What do you need to know for standard grade? Methods of finding out the number of people in a country. Reasons why some areas are crowded and other areas are empty. Ways of measuring the standard of living of a country. Reasons why some areas have a higher standard of living than others. Reasons why some areas have different birth rates and death rates than others. Effects on countries growing in population very rapidly and very slowly. Reasons why people migrate within countries and between countries.
You will also need to know the following enquiry skills: How to gather information on local population by undertaking questionnaires. How to process the information obtained by drawing line graphs, scattergraphs, population pyramids and dot distribution maps. How to analyse the information.
Aims of the lesson: To learn about world population distribution. To learn the reasons that determine this population distribution.
Introduction The number of people living in its country is called its population.
What is the population of the UK?What is the population of the world? What is the population of Scotland? What is the population of Europe?
Figures taken October 2010 Numbers will have increased. Figures taken October 2010 Numbers will have increased.
Population Density Population density describes how crowded a country is. To work out how crowded a country is you must also take into account its area. Population Density (people per sq km) Population of a country Area of country (sq km) =
Population Density (people per sq km) Population of a country Area of country (sq km) = Population: 5,100,000 Area: 78,772 sq km Population: 129,000,000 Area: 143,998 sq km = 65 people / sq km = 896 people / sq km
Population Distribution Population distribution is the spread of people over an area. Densely populated means that there is a lot of people in a small area. Sparsely populated means that there is very little people in an area.
Look at these map what can you see? Maps
Describe the distribution of population in Scotland.
The world is not overcrowded. It is not even crowded! Some parts of the world have a very low population Others are very densely populated World population density.
World Population Distribution Most people live in the northern hemisphere, south of the Arctic Circle and in coastal areas.
Look at page 136 of the Geog SG book. Make your own copy of the world population distribution map.
Task 2: Answer Q1-5 on page 137 of the Geog-S.G books.
Factors that influence population. Why do people live in one area and not another? Physical Factors. Human Factors. Task: Take 2 minutes and think of as many different physical and human factors as you can. (write them down)
Physical factors Relief Climate Soil and vegetation
Human Factors Industry and jobs Health care Education Development
Factors that influence density and distribution. What is a Push Factor? What is a Pull Factor?
Factors that influence density and distribution. Push Factor: Something that influences you to leave an area. For example if the area had a very poor climate, or no job opportunities. Pull Factor: Something that influences you to go to an area. For example if an area had very good schools like the Jordanhill area, or if it never rained.
Factors that influence density and distribution. Write down two push factors and two pull factors about the place where you live. Then two push and pull factors for the Scottish highlands.
Factors that influence population change. Birth rate: The number of babies born. Death rate: The number of people who have died. Natural increase The birth rate – the death rate.
What things effect birth rate? What things effect death rate?