G. Capano 1 General objective To design practical tools based on an integral and dynamic competency-based human resources management model that meets organisational objectives in a complex context and addresses the Decent Work agenda.
G. Capano 2 Specific objective 1 At the end of the course, participants will have improved their competencies in: Analysing the organisational context and preparing a feasible competency-based human resource management project.
G. Capano 3 Specific objective 2 At the end of the course, participants will have improved their competencies in : Designing the architecture of a competency-based Human ResourcesManagement model
G. Capano 4 At the end of the course, participants will have improved their competencies in : Defining the main applications of the integrated competency-based human resources management model within the sub-processes of: recruitment and selection, competencies profile design, staff development and training, career development, performance assessment and rewards, including equal opportunities and gender balance. At the end of the course, participants will have improved their competencies in : Defining the main applications of the integrated competency-based human resources management model within the sub- processes of: recruitment and selection, competencies profile design, staff development and training, career development, performance assessment and rewards, including equal opportunities and gender balance.
G. Capano 5 Specific objective 4 At the end of the course, participants will have improved their competencies in : Managing change in the application of a competency-based Human Resources Management model.