TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS 06 MAY 2016 Department of Tourism
Review HRD Strategy for Tourism Identify the areas of focus Training Needs Assessment Invite companies to participate and get a customised Training Needs Analysis
Identify Skills Gaps Optimise Interventions Training Non-Training Map occupations to OFO (required for submissions to SETA / other Govt)
Employees self report and reviewed by line managers on: How well an employee performs on the activities associated with their job (from OFO) Soft / Generic / Non-Technical Skills Training Needs
Sign up form Set up TNA on online platform We can do this now Upload Employees Each employee completes questionnaire (+- 15 min) Supervisor Reviews (5-10 min)
A link is ed / sms’d to each participating employee Can be completed on smart phone, tablet or computer After completion by employee, link is sent to supervisor to review