Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Brussel een Innovatieregio. Launch event Innovative Brussels Organised by INNOVIRIS 6 November 2102 Hotel Metropole, Brussels All views are personal Looking at Brussels, from “Brussels”. Jean-Claude Burgelman mmv P. Laurila and D. Corpakis Directorate Innovation DG Research and Innovation
Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EC policy: Cities as innovation drivers Large cities are developing into global cities as knowledge and innovation hubs functioning in global networks (economic, communication, mobility, human capital) To support cities through policy and investment towards economic growth, innovation and sustainability is a demanding task as cities are complex organisms A city cannot be understood by only looking at its sectors e.g. buildings, transportation system, energy distribution. The urban challenge is much bigger than just adding some new transport mode or alternative energy source. To understand how a city functions requires attention to its interactions and dynamic networks of causes and effects rather than simple technology solutions. Research Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe strives to establish a large-scale, long-term R&D programme dedicated to urban development with focus on complexity and cross-sectorial interdependence; Belgium is represented by Innoviris (Brussels Region) and VITO, FWO (Flanders)
Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EC policy: Horizon 2020 Commission proposal for 80 billion euro research and innovation funding programme ( ): -Responding to the economic crisis to invest in future jobs and growth -Addressing people’s concerns about their livelihoods, safety and environment -Strengthening the EU’s global position in research, innovation and technology
Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Investment in R&D is part of the solution to exit from the economic crises
Research and Innovation Research and Innovation H2020: Same rationale of the Brussels plan! Priority 1. Excellent science World class science is the foundation of tomorrow’s technologies, jobs and wellbeing Europe needs to develop, attract and retain research talent Researchers need access to the best infrastructures
Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Priority 2. Industrial leadership: Strategic investments in key technologies underpin innovation across existing and emerging sectors Europe needs more private research and innovation Europe needs more innovative SMEs Priority 3. Societal challenges: Can't be addressed without innovation Breakthrough solutions come from multi- disciplinary collaborations Promising solutions need to be tested, demonstrated and scaled up
Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Looking at Brussels: more needs to be done (*) 1. Innovation chains are international - in particular in ICT and health (areas choosen) – and competition is immense. 1. which niche for Bxl? how to tap into these international networks, given: 2. Too much fragmentation due to vested interests (acknowledged by the report) but it is also une histoire belge/bruxelloise: mobility between knowledge producers (eg. ULB and VUB) is low and between sectors (public private) non existent strong governance is needed (if Larry Page wants to invest in Brussels, who should he call?…). (*) inspired by Rapport Soete
Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 3. Limited valorisation into the economic or societal reality - The EU paradox (MP3) is also the Belgian paradox (8000 Phds and 15 startups, source: SO Kwadraat). Reinforce the absorption capacity for innovation of the Brussels industrial and organisational "tissue" - We dont have Cambridge or, if we stay at the same scale, Eindhoven (1 square Km: 100 of companies, 8000 researchers, producing 50% of the Dutch patterns): but we could have the Etterbeek baracks? 4. And what about social innovation, service innovation (like Living Labs), public sector innovation (via smart public procurement,…): it does not require huge (extra) financial investment and has high potential 3&4: Brussels needs jobs!
Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Looking at brussels: Smart specialisation is not an algorithm! 9 1. Smart Specialization is a tool to make the best out of the available resources It is not a recipe for avoiding risk! -Without risk, silicon valley would not have existed, nor IMEC, but also not FLV… 2. Smart Specialization within the Ring? Or … reaching out to Brabant? (IMEC, UCL tech cluster, …)
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