Why studying English is so difficult for Japanese leaners? Akiko Sakai
Outline Statistic Differences between Japanese and English Difficulty of Reading Speaking Listening Conclusion References
Are you good at English??? More than 60% of students: No Nearly 30%: So so Only 8%: Yes
Differences between Japanese and English Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing ↓ Word order, Pronunciation, Elision, Vocabulary
Difficulty of Reading ~Word order~ -Examples- Tom loves Mary = トムはメアリーを愛している =
Difficulty of Speaking (1) ~Pronunciation~ “R” and “L” “B” and “V” “s” and “th” “F”
Difficulty of Speaking (2) ~Accent~ -Examples- Ice cream Toast Chocolate Banana
Difficulty of Listening ~Elision~ -Japanese- “good” + “idea” → グッドアイ デア “red” + “dress” → レッドドレス “sit” + “down” → シットダウン “you and me” → ユーアンドミー -English- “good” + “idea” → “goo’idea” “red” +”dress” → “re’dress” “sit” + “down” → “si’down” “you and me” → “you n me”
Conclusion To manage English…. 1. Discover what is difficult for you 2. Find out differences between two languages 3. Understand the structures 4. Practice, practice and practice…!!!!
Thank you for listening… ♡