James River Chlorophyll Study Status Update: May 3, 2016 Chesapeake Bay Stakeholder Advisory Group John Kennedy, DEQ Office of Ecology
SAP meeting held 3/18 to finalize Draft Empirical Relationships Report (ERR) Last set of comments from SAP members received; 4/14/16 FINAL version of ERR WQ Model development completed at end of March; two deliverable reports received Preparing SAP work products for EPA-STAC review: Final ERR ICPRB “White Paper” 4 SAP comment documents Critique of current assessment method Alternate, proposed assessment methodology Study Status and Future Actions:
Develop regulatory proposal through summer 2016 Provide same documents to Regulatory Advisory Panel that EPA-STAC receives Establish capability to perform additional modeling scenarios and link James WQ Model to CBPO’s Watershed Model Study Status and Future Actions:
DEQ webpage (WQ Standards/Nutrient Criteria Development) has: – Science Advisory Panel and Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting summaries/materials – Reports from Science Advisory Panel and Principal Investigators For Detailed Information:
Water Quality Standards Regulation (9 VAC ) Rulemaking: Bacteria, Ammonia, Human Health and Aquatic Life Criteria
Items removed from Triennial Review Bacteria Criteria for coastal recreation waters Freshwater Ammonia Criteria Human Health Criteria (for 8 compounds) Cadmium
Final EPA criteria published 2013 Accounts for latest toxicity data for sensitive freshwater mussels and snails Criteria calculation is pH and temperature dependent Estimated to be about 50% lower than current criteria Likely criteria application would be statewide due to ubiquitous presence of mussels Ammonia Criteria to Protect Freshwater Aquatic Life
Concerns over implementation costs, statewide impact on dischargers (esp. smaller plants in headwater areas), compliance schedule and other relief needed Need to coordinate issues of compliance with current (or future) nutrient limits and more stringent ammonia limits Issues Raised During Triennial Review
About 110 permittees discharging near transition or estuarine waters (2013 freshwater ammonia criteria not applicable)