Ultracold gases Jami Kinnunen & Jani-Petri Martikainen Masterclass 2016
Radiation pressure: photon has wavevector q
Zeeman slower Change the resonance frequency along the way as atoms are cooled by radiation pressure…
Zeeman slower William Phillips
Finnish connection in the early years
Laser cooling: below Doppler limit??
Sisuphys cooling Two linearly polarized laser beams with orthogonal polarizations interfere polarization varies in space
Sisuphys cooling This could 400 nK + prefactor
Sisuphys cooling
Quantum statistics
Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac
Interesting points BE gives higher occupations for small energies FD gives lower occupations for small energies (n=1 upper limit) Derivation is kind of cleaner and more elegant for bosons and fermions…classical result is more of a mess.
Gross-Pitaevskii etc.
What to condense?
Bose-Einstein condensate: wavefunction? What is it???
Interactions: scattering length Contact interaction… Billiard ball with radius “a” That is a lie: complications exist
Dilute/weak interactions What does it mean? Gas of billiard balls at density n is dilute if…? Check this for ultracold cloud of Rb atoms Liquid helium
Gross-Pitaevskii equation Pure BEC governed by… This works very well in many realistic settings. Generalizations exist
Solid body rotation Impossible with a wavefunction?
Vortex: phase of the wavefunction
Vortex: higher “winding number”
How to get something like a classical solid body rotation?
Ongoing now: samples
Ultracold fermions Image: Moritz group,Hamburg Harder or easier than bosons?
Optical lattices
Slow light/light stopping 6sU
Can you swim in a superfluid
Swimming in a superfluid
Multicomponent swimmer
Quantum gas microscopes
Multicomponent systems What are those?
Strongly interacting systems: beyond mean-field Bye bye Gross-Pitaevskii Weak to strong coupling transitions Effective spin model
Throw the BEC from 146m tower Because…why not!
Precision measurements Clocks Gravity Acceleration
Long range interactions Beyond billiard balls Erbium magnetic dipole moment of 7 μB
Quantum information Maybe a platform for some QI approaches? Easy to get carried away with this though…buzzword