ALCOHOL Health Mr. Christiansen
What is alcohol? Alcohol is a depressant drug that is produced by a chemical reaction in some foods and that has powerful effects on the body. When a person drinks alcohol, it enters the stomach, just like food. From the stomach and small intestine, alcohol passes quickly into the bloodstream. Since alcohol is a depressant, it causes the brain and other parts of the body to work more slowly.
Alcohol’s effects on the body Brain/Central Nervous System: Although a depressant, alcohol has a unique action that initially creates a feeling of mild and pleasant stimulation. Alcohol affects the thinking, judgment, and reasoning abilities first. Over time, the brain and CNS become less sensitive to alcohol’s effects. Stomach: Some of the alcohol consumed is absorbed quickly from the stomach into the bloodstream. The amount of food in the stomach helps determine the effect alcohol has on a person. Prolonged heavy drinking is related to ulcers and even cancer of the stomach.
Alcohol’s effects on the body Liver: Almost all of the alcohol consumed is oxidized in the liver at the rate of ½ ounce of pure alcohol per hour. Since each drink of beer, wine, etc. contains about ½ ounce of pure alcohol, it takes about two hours for the body to fully oxidize one alcoholic drink. Prolonged heavy drinking can cause Cirrhosis, which is destruction and scarring of the liver Kidneys: Alcohol increases the production of urine from the kidneys. Drinking alcohol on a hot day greatly increases the risk of hydration.
Why do people drink? Fitting in with friends Escape problems Seem more grown up Other family members drink Rebellion Escape feelings: depression, shyness, anger, loneliness Curiosity Think it tastes good Ads make it seem fun
What can happen when you drink alcohol Any Time: Do something you might regret Can’t drive safely Lose control Get into other accidents Drunk, act silly Slurred speech Throw up Pass out Hangover
What can happen when you drink alcohol Regular or Heavy Drinking Addiction, Alcoholism (10% of all drinkers become alcoholics) Lose interest in school/life Suicidal feelings/depression Death Brain damage Nerve damage Liver damage
7 Factors Affecting Alcohol’s Impact Type of drink (beer, wine, whisky, etc) How quickly it is consumed Amount of food in stomach Body weight or build Mental/Emotional state Surroundings Physical tolerance
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome The bloodstream carries alcohol throughout the body If a pregnant women drinks alcohol, her unborn baby will have alcohol in its bloodstream This alcohol can cause the baby to develop Fetal Alcohol Syndrome- group of physical and mental problems caused by alcohol. Babies with FAS often weight less than average and may suffer from birth defects. Doctors aren’t sure how much drinking causes FAS
Ways to say NO Act confident: Be direct and look person in the eyes and say “NO thanks” Have a friend with you: Make sure a friend will back you up in your decision. Stick together. Use humor: Say something funny to turn down the situation Give and excuse: Use a believable excuse Plan your exit: Think of ways to avoid or leave the situation Suggest an alternative: Come up with another activity (sports, eating, movies) Delay your decision Postpone or hold off on making your decison