T = TITLE -Read the Title of the Poem BEFORE reading the poem. -Make predictions based on the title alone. -Do not make a prediction that is exactly what the title says. Think deeper. For example: “On Turning Ten” -Do not predict: I think someone will turn ten. -That is obvious. -Think deeper – What about turning ten? What is so important about turning ten? Start your sentence with, “Maybe….”
P = PARAPHRASE -AFTER you read the poem, paraphrase the poem in your own words. -Pretend you are telling your friend about the poem. -Try not to look back at the poem or use any of the words in the poem. -Do not use “dead words” in any descriptions. -What are “dead words?” Bad, sad, mad, happy, pretty, sweet, cute, cool, etc. -These are words that you used in Elementary School. Now that you are in Middle School you need to use words that expand your vocabulary for 7 th grade writing STAAR.
C = CONNOTATION -What words do you find in the poem that have positive or negative emotions attached to them? -Find any figurative language: simile, metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification, hyperbole, or irony. -Use text evidence to support your answer: -For example: -In “On Turning Ten” the author uses a simile to start off the poem. “The whole idea of it makes me feel like I am coming down with something.” The author compares even thinking about turning ten is similar to getting sick.
A = ATTITUDE -What kind of attitude does the author use? -What mood is set by this attitude? -Think about the type of imagery used. -Be specific. Don’t say just positive or negative. -Give details from the text to support your answer. -For example: -The author says he saw the afternoon light fall “solemnly” against his tree house and all of the “dark” blue speed was “drained” out of his bike. This shows how the author feels lonely about leaving behind his innocence of being little.
S = SHIFTS -What shifts in mood or attitude do you find. -Find keywords: but, yet, however, although. -Notice punctuation: dashes, periods, colons, ellipsis. -Irony is a big indicator of shift. -For example: -In the poem “On Turning Ten” the author begins with the idea of growing older making him feel sick, but at the end of the poem the author comes to the realization that he is not a child anymore. He says “It is time to say goodbye to my imaginary friends.” This shows his acceptance of growing up and how it is important.
T = TITLE -Look at the title again. What new insight do you have after reading the poem? -Why did the author put “On” in the title, instead of only putting “ Turning Ten?” -Why is turning ten so important or a big deal? -Maybe it is because he was going from single to double digits. -Maybe it is because he sees it as a turning point in his life.
T = THEME -What does the poem say about life? -What lessons can you learn from it? -What idea does the author want you to take away with you? -The theme of any work is stated in a complete sentence. -For example, the theme of “On Turning Ten” is NOT: -age, growing up, or getting older. -Those are only topics or subjects. -One theme of “On Turning Ten” is how all people have to grow up and leave the ways of childhood behind. This is a complete sentence and a complete thought.