Have you ever taken a look inside of your dog’s mouth? It is estimated that over 80 percent of dogs have significant oral problems. It is vital to take your dogs to regular oral check up and prevent periodontal disease which are on a rise.
Dogs eat foods that contains bacteria leading to plaque build-up in their teeth and surrounding tissues. Slowly the plaque gets converted into tartar, reducing the oxygen supply to the teeth. Bacterial growth occurs due to low oxygen and releases toxins that injures the tissue possibly causing gingivitis, receding gums and tooth loss. CAUSE:
“She does seem to have bad breath doctor” is what most people say to the veterinarian when they take their dog to an oral check up. During the physical exam veterinarians discover that the dog’s foul odor to the breath is a result of generalized periodontitis. There are a few other signs that could help you identify whether your dog has problems in its mouth or gastrointestinal system and should be checked by a veterinarian. SIGNS OF ORAL DISEASE:
Choosing proper diet for your dog and cleaning your dog’s teeth properly could prevent oral diseases. Cleaning your dog’s teeth on a regular basis will also help to avoid tartar build up in its mouth. A daily oral hygiene regimen is the key and the gold standard is brushing. PREVENTIVE CARE:
Organic dog chews Organic dog chews available in the market can greatly help your dog reduce the build up of tartar in its teeth. On consistently chewing for long time, these also reduce your dog’s overall stress level, prevent boredom and give him an appropriate outlet for his natural need to chew. PREVENTIVE CARE:
Most veterinarians attest to the fact that the dog owners need to pay closer attention to the dog’s oral health status and give healthier food options to them. Look closely at the dog’s mouth and make the right choices of food. Brushing your dog’s teeth daily increases the optimum life span of your dog by three to four years and maintain a good health. Dogsee chew is one that product that is 100% organic, gluten free and takes oral care of your pet.