Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Operative Programmes Anita Gulam Ana Kovačević Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection, Republic of Croatia Roma, 13 June 2013
LEGAL FRAMEWORK Environmental Protection Act (OG 110/07) Regulation on Strategic Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes (OG 64/08) Regulation on Information and Participation of the Public and Public Concerned in Environmental Matters (OG 64/08) Ordinance on the Committee for Strategic Assessment (OG 70/08)
MANDATORY SEA a plan or programme - following sectors: agriculture, forestry, fisheries, energy, industry, mining, transport, telecommunications, tourism, waste management and water management the spatial plan of a county and spatial plan of the City of Zagreb
COMPETENT BODY NATIONAL LEVEL - Ministry competent for the sector for which the p/p is being adopted REGIONAL LEVEL - competent administrative authority for environment in one of 20 counties or in the City of Zagreb in cooperation with the competent administrative department in one of 20 counties or in the City of Zagreb, depending on the sector for which the p/p is being adopted
SEA procedure Screening Scoping Env. Report Monitoring and protection measures Evaluation of the need for SEA Defines, describes and assesses the expected significant impact on the environment Determining the content of ER
SEA for the Operative Programmes IPA Program components OP Transport – Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure OP Environment – Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection OP Regional Competitiveness – Ministry of Economy/Ministry of Regional development and EU Funds SEA – completed OP Transport OP Environment SEA – under procedure OP Regional Competitiveness
SEA for the OP Transport OP Transport - modernization and renewal of inland waterways and port infrastructure, extension and modernization of railway lines, improving safety and efficiency of operation. Priority Axis 1: Modernization of railway infrastructure and project preparation in transport sector (co-financed by ERDF) Priority Axis 2: Upgrading Croatia’s inland waterway system (planned co-financing from ERDF) Priority Axis 3: Technical assistance (co-financing from ERDF)
SEA for the OP Transport SEA procedure Scoping Environmental report Environmental authorities Expert advisory committee Public Environmental measures and monitoring Draft of final report
SEA for the OP Transport Environmental measures Air protection measures Soil protection measures Landscape protection measures Measures of protection of protected natural values, habitats, flora and fauna Measures for the mitigation of the harmful impacts of the implementation of the programme on the ecological network Transport protection measures Towns and population protection measures Cultural and historical heritage protection measures Monitoring Water Noise
Programming thematic objectives: strengthening research, technological development and innovation; enhancing access to, and use and quality of, information and communication technologies; enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, the agricultural sector and the fisheries and aquaculture sector; supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors; promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management; protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency; promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures; promoting employment and supporting labour mobility; promoting social inclusion and combating poverty; investing in education, skills and lifelong learning; enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public administration.
Programming Currently (May) Work on the identification of the sectoral needs within thematic objectives Upcoming activities (June) Proposal for allocation of funds between TO and investment priorities Decision on number of OPs and priorities within OPs. Expected finalization of the Ops 1Q 2014
SEA for programming documents (OPs) Single contract for all SEAs and ex-ante evaluation Source IPA Component I Tendering documentation in final stage of preparation Expected signature of contract (before summer 2013)