Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization Overview Version 0.5 February 03,
2 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 SISO Vision SISO is dedicated to the promotion of modeling and simulation interoperability and reuse for the benefit of diverse M&S communities, including developers, procurers, and users, world-wide. SISO Mission SISO’s mission is to provide an open forum that promotes the interoperability and reuse of models and simulations through the exchange of ideas, the examination of technologies, and the development of standards.
3 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Be the Open Community Forum To: –Identify standards that enable interoperability and reuse –Feed back industry needs to sponsors –Develop, promote, review, accredit, and archive standards –Build community buy-in and grass-roots support for, and evangelize standards –Be the “nexus” for related and complementary products –Provide a stable, open interface for COTS product vendors to develop to (and trust) What is SISO’s Role?
4 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 SISO Organizational Structure Executive Committee (EXCOM) –The governing, policy level body that provides overall governance and strategic planning for SISO Conference Committee (CC) –Provides oversight for SISO conference activities and has the primary responsibility of organizing the Simulation Interoperability Workshops (SIW) Standards Activity Committee (SAC) –Provides oversight for SISO product development and support activities and has primary responsibility of overseeing the development and support of these products to support interoperability and reuse in the M&S community SISO, Inc. –This non-profit corporation serves as the legal entity empowered to enter into contracts and other financial agreements as required to further the goals of SISO, e.g. organize SIWs
5 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 SISO sponsors three workshops annually to –Exchange ideas, information, and technology –Share "lessons learned" –Identify areas where common standards and practices will improve simulation interoperability and reuse –Provide forum for face-to-face meetings of standards developers SISO also sponsors the annual BRIMS (Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation) workshop Conference Committee Simulation Interoperability Workshops
6 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Simulation Interoperability Workshop User Community Forums Analysis Test & Evaluation Research, Development & Engineering System Acquisition and Product Development Training
7 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Simulation Interoperability Workshop Specialty Area Tracks and Forums Applications Track –Vehicle Weapons System Modeling –Logistics Command Control Communications Computers Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Track –Command & Control/M&S Services –IO-ISR - Information Operations Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Distributed Simulation Development Track –Distributed Simulation Process and Tools –Synthetic Mission Space Composability –Verification Validation & Accreditation Environment Track –Simulated Natural Environment/Sensor Modeling Infrastructure Track –Communications, Frameworks, and Infrastructure Medical Track –Medical
8 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Interoperability Standards –Enable simulation “parts” to be plugged together for rapid assembly of systems. Enable reuse of “parts” developed for one system in another application. Enable innovative new “parts” to easily replace obsolete old “parts” Process Standards –Provide best practices for development and execution of distributed simulations Accreditation Standards and Practices –Provide confidence to the user that the assembled system is providing meaningful, valid results to the degree specified in the accreditation. Standards Activity Committee How do Standards Help?
9 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Balloted Products –Standards –Guidance Non-balloted Products –Reference –Administrative Standards Activity Committee What Products are Developed
10 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 BPDP provides direction on the development of SISO balloted products It does not cover non-balloted products Built on SISO Policies and Procedures (P&P) Provides specific SAC guidance Adheres to the legal definition of “open standard” Standards Activity Committee Balloted Products Development Process (BPDP)
11 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Balloted Products Development Process Six Step Process SISO-ADM : SISO BPDP Activity Approved Product Development Product Balloting Product Approved Distribution & Configuration Management Periodic Review SISO-ADM : SISO BPDP
12 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Standards Activity Committee Groups Product Development Groups (PDGs) –SISO PDGs are created as the result of the Product Nomination (PN) –PDGs perform steps 2 & 3 of the BPDP –PDG Officers and the SAC perform step 4 of the BPDP –PDGs exist until the product is complete Product Support Groups (PSGs) –Established once a PDG has completed product development Serve as the interpretations committee for IEEE standards Responsible for Steps 5 & 6 –Offer continuity and a place for developers and users of the standards to ask questions concerning the language used in the standard, the intention or result meant by a particular action request an explanation of the reasons behind what the standard says seek support register change requests for subsequent versions of the product.
13 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Product Development Groups (11 Active) Base Object Model (BOM): specification for Base Object Models to facilitate interoperability, reusability and composability Core Manufacturing Simulation Data (CMSD): data interface specification for efficient exchange of manufacturing life cycle data in a simulation environment. COTS Simulation Package Interoperability (CSPI): interface specification for COTS discrete event simulation packages (CSPs) Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS): revision of IEEE 1278 standards Environmental Data Coding Standard (EDCS): developed ISO High Level Architecture (HLA) Evolved: revision of IEEE 1516 standards Link 11: develop standard for simulating Link 11 via DIS and HLA Link 16: develop standard for simulating Link 16 via DIS and HLA Realtime Platform Reference (RPR) FOM: standard for mapping DIS-based attributes and interactions into an HLA-compliant object model Simulation Reference Markup Language (SRML): markup language for representing behavior in XML, enabling XML documents to execute on the web or other distributed environments VV&A Overlay to FEDEP: overlay to Federation Development and Execution Process to apply Verification, Validation, and Accreditation processes Product Support Group (1 Active) Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS): support existing DIS standards
14 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Study Groups (SGs) –SISO SGs are created as the result of a Terms of Reference (TOR) –SGs are chartered to answer questions of interest to the M&S community –SGs have a limited life; generally 1 to 2 workshop cycles –SGs can be a first step to a PDG Standing Study Groups (SSGs) –SISO SSGs are created as the result of a Terms of Reference (TOR) –SSGs are chartered to represent a functional or national group mature a potential standard potentially to provide support to open-source software –SSGs will provide an annual report to the EXCOM through the SAC describing their progress over the previous year describing their goals for the following year due 1st September (each year) for consideration during the Fall SIW Standards Activity Committee Groups
15 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Study Groups (7 Active) Coalition Battle Management Language (C-BML): evaluation of standardization of language for interface of C2I systems to simulation systems. Proposal to transition to a Product Development Group Discrete-Event Systems Specification (DEVS): study the possibility of developing standards for a computer processable representation of discrete event systems specification HLA Performance Recommended Practice (HPRP): conduct an investigation on the best practices for maximizing High Level Architecture (HLA) performance Military Scenario Definition Language (MSDL): evaluation of standardization of language for initialization of military simulations. Proposal to transition to a Product Development Group Mode 5/S IFF: evaluation of potential approaches to simulation of Mode 5/S within DIS and HLA Simulation Conceptual Modeling (SCM): conducting a preliminary investigation on the use of conceptual modeling in M&S Transfer of Control (TC): Evaluation of potential approaches to revisions of DIS Transfer of Control and HLA Ownership Transfer Standing Study Groups (1 Active) Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI): mature interface in ground and maritime environments
16 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Standards Activity Committee Sponsor/Liaison Roles Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers –Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) –High Level Architecture (HLA) International Organization for Standardization –Spatial Reference Model (SRM) –Environmental Data Coding Specification (EDCS)
17 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 SISO-STD-001: Real Time Platform Reference FOM SISO-STD-002: Link 16 (Pending Approval) SISO-STD-003: BOM Template Specification (Pending Approval) SISO-STD-004: Dynamic Link Compatible HLA API Standard IEEE 1278 series: Distributed Interactive Simulation IEEE 1516 series: High Level Architecture ISO : Spatial Reference Model ISO : Environmental Data Coding System SISO and SISO Sponsored Standards:
18 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Become a SISO Member How does one become a member of SISO? –The primary way is to register, pay for and attend a SISO Simulation Interoperability Workshop (SIW). This automatically confers SISO membership through the end of the following calendar year. New SISO Members that register for a Spring SIW, EURO SIW, or Fall SIW will receive their SISO Member Number approximately 8 weeks after the close of the Workshop How do I register for a SISO Workshop? –Go to the SISO website and choose Conferences and Workshops What if I am unable to attend a Workshop? –For those who are not able to attend the SIWs, an alternative mechanism is provided: a $45 per year membership fee. This fee covers the per-subscriber cost of maintaining SISO's extensive and web site services, excluding any workshop-related expenses. You can request SISO membership by completing a Membership Form (185K) and mailing it along with a check for $45(US) to the following address:Membership Form SISO Inc. P.O. Box Orlando, Florida USA –Please make checks payable to "SISO, Inc.". Your SISO Membership number will be ed to you.
19 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Benefits of SISO Membership In December of 1999, SISO established revised Policy and Procedures which, among other changes, require that a person be a member of SISO in order to: 1.Vote in SISO elections 2.Vote as a member of a SISO Product Balloting Group 3.Download SISO Products, Proceedings, and other documents from the SISO Website
20 Version 0.5 February 03, 2006 Summary SISO provides an open forum that promotes the interoperability and reuse of models and simulations through the exchange of ideas, the examination of technologies, and the development of standards SISO Sponsored Conferences –Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop –European Simulation Interoperability Workshop –Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop –Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS) Workshop SISO Membership: 959