Expo Line Transit Project Exposition Light Rail Transit Project Expo Board Presentation Monthly Project Status Update October 2, 2008
Expo Line Transit Project PHASE 1
Expo Line Transit Project Design Baseline Design is approximately 92% complete Venice/Robertson design is approximately 36% complete Construction Construction is approximately 19% complete Construction Packages Negotiated 12 of the 19 construction packages Third Party Agreements Executed 5 of the 8 third party agreements Phase 1 Project Status
Expo Line Transit Project CPUC Grade Crossing Applications September 15 th : Evidentiary Hearings concluded September 30 th : Opening Briefs filed October 8 th : Reply Briefs due October 22 nd : ALJ Proposed Decision November 21 st : Possible CPUC Commission Decision Phase 1 Project Status
Expo Line Transit Project Current Construction Activities Began excavation at the west end of the trench structure (Seg A) Began receiving running rail Completed placing slab for construction of struts for grade separation structure (Seg A) Continued excavating and installing ductbanks and vaults (Seg B) Began storm drain chemical grouting at Rancho Cienega Park (Seg C) Completed forming, rebar and concrete of National Bridge, abutment 2 wing walls (Seg C) Began mobilization to start La Brea overhead structure CIDH piles (Seg C) Phase 1 Project Status
Expo Line Transit Project Construction Progress Began Excavation of Trench Structure
Expo Line Transit Project Construction Progress Began Receiving Running Rail
Expo Line Transit Project 6-Way Ductbank in Segment B Construction Progress
Expo Line Transit Project Abutment at National Blvd Bridge Construction Progress
Expo Line Transit Project Abutment Wing Wall at National Blvd Bridge Construction Progress
Expo Line Transit Project Phase 1 Project Status Construction Budget 12 of 19 construction packages have been negotiated in an amount totaling $285 million Currently within the revised construction budget Project Budget All tasks are within the overall project budget Remaining significant risks to the budget include: - Contracts yet to be negotiated (including Storage and Inspection Facility) - Any significant contractor claims - Any significant owner related project delays - Changes to Farmdale crossing and Harvard Pedestrian Tunnel Project Budget Summary
Expo Line Transit Project Project Schedule Summary Contractor’s Latest Schedule Update Shows a 20-week Project Delay Delay in the relocation of DWP overhead power lines at the La Cienega structure is driving most of the delay Utility relocations have delayed completion of the trench Authority has asked contractor for a recovery schedule Areas of Potential Further Delay Aerial structures at La Brea, La Cienega and Ballona Creek Any changes to the Farmdale Ave. and/or Harvard Blvd. crossings LADWP power line relocations Culver City Aerial Station Storage and Inspection Facility Phase 1 Project Status
Expo Line Transit Project Project Issue Summary Storage and Inspection Facility LADOT approval of train movements across Washington Blvd. Completion of environmental and preliminary engineering Additional Environmental Studies Received Finding of No Significant Impacts (FONSI) from FTA on September 23 rd for Traction Power Substation Sites 3 and 4 Environmental study for Farmdale Crossing Alternatives is complete Environmental study for Categorical Exemption of the S&I Facility is nearing completion, but may have to be modified to an environmental assessment depending on results of the traffic study Phase 1 Project Status
Expo Line Transit Project Phase 1 Project Status Government/Community Relations Hosted Project Status Update meeting at Ahmanson Senior Center (Seg A) Provided project update presentations to: Operation Hope Reverse Mortgage Workshop (Seg B) Crenshaw Chamber General Body meeting (Seg B) Hosted informational tables at: “7 th & Fig” Plaza (Seg A) Back to School Health and Family Festival (Seg B) Angel City Classic Football Game Event (Seg A) Attended regularly scheduled meetings with USC and Expo Park to discuss coordination of events and construction activities Expo and FFP representatives met with LA Trade Tech staff to discuss construction activities, impacts and mitigation measures and established a bi-monthly coordination meeting between LA Trade Tech and FFP
Expo Line Transit Project PHASE 2
Expo Line Transit Project AA/EIS/Conceptual Engineering Finalizing DEIS/DEIR chapters and conceptual engineering drawings for submission to FTA within the next couple of weeks Government/Community Relations Briefed City of Santa Monica City Manager and staff on September 2 concerning project status and follow-up on specific engineering topics Attended City of LA Bikeway briefing for Cheviot Hills residents on proposed bikeway options within the DEIS/DEIR Met with FTA staff on September 22 to discuss project status and gave a tour of the alignment alternatives on September 24 Hosted informational table at California Country Club Homeowners Association Annual Block Party on September 21 Phase 2 Project Status
Expo Line Transit Project Phase 2 Milestones ActivityScheduled Completion Date Forecast Completion Date StatusComments Scoping Meetings & ReportMar-07May-07Complete Screening of AlternativesMay-07Oct-07CompleteDelay in receiving ridership model from Metro Administrative Draft to FTAOct-07Oct-08Delay due to need to recalibrate model received from Metro and delays in grade crossing analysis Start Public Hearings on Draft DEIS/DEIR Feb-08Fall-08 FTA must sign off on Draft DEIS before document can be circulated Board Adoption of LPAMay-08Winter-09 Request to enter Preliminary Engineering (PE) May-08Winter-09 Phase 2 Project Status