Is Leeds a City of Sanctuary for bereaved asylum seekers and refugees? Rose McCarthy, Health and Maternity Streams Coordinator, Yorkshire and the Humber regional Coordinator
City of Sanctuary is a movement committed to building a culture of hospitality and welcome, especially for refugees seeking sanctuary from war and persecution Started in Sheffield 2011 – 12 groups groups over 60 groups ??
City of Sanctuary Streams Health Arts Welcome Schools Faith
Launch 2010 Birthplace of good ideas e.g Streams –schools, maternity, health, arts Create resource packs Excellent Experts by Experience speakers Supportive community Public meetings Partnership work e.g Richmond Hill, Welcome to Leeds, WYP Have fun! I forgot I was an asylum seeker for a day”
Sanctuary Awards Tool for engagement Written evidence 3 principles 1.Learn 2.Embed 3.Share Celebration and opportunity for reflective learning Evaluation by appraisal group and presentation at award ceremony Awards given to schools, theatres, health and maternity providers, sports clubs.. Bereavement service????
The Refugee Crisis Pre election 2015 wave of anti immigrationBirth and death in the Mediterranean Have attitudes changed? Government policy? EU referendum? UK less then 1% of 19.5 million refugees 0.24% of the UK population Proud to be tough, not proud to protect “I believe this is our generation’s Holocaust. Our great-grandchildren will judge us on the compassion we showed. If you can help, please do.” Bethany Usher, The Northern Echo
4 Ds D Destitution D Deportation D Dispersal D Detention Why do people migrate? Voluntary migration Economic migrants Students Spouse visa Forced migration Asylum seekers and refugees Victims of Trafficking Modern Slaves
How might you feel ? Lonely Isolated In need of help but don’t know where to go Don’t want to be a burden Will you be welcome?
Where might you find help in Leeds? City of Sanctuary network LASSN directory Welcome to Leeds Drop ins-PAFRAS and Meeting Point Places of Worship Charities Community groups Streams of Sanctuary
How might you be bereaved? What might you have lost? Family Friends Community Country Home Way of life Plans for the future “No one plans to be a refugee” Right to remain
Where might you find help with bereavement? Red Cross –family tracing and family reunion Health services Counselling Dial House Places of worship Community groups Peer Support -What’s App! Death in the UK -taboo subject?? Choices??
My experience of bereavement Pearse –shock –”What are we meant to do?” Irish Wake Mum- “facing up to death” Dad –”Saved” 4 babies –”Maybe God cried when your babies died”
Bankside ( Choto Moni) Children’s Centre A safe environment to share hopes, fears and experiences. “What you need is a friend”
A sad story A baby died to a destitute family in Leeds in 2011 when mum was 28 weeks pregnant Dad said “when there is life, there is hope but when you loss a life you lose hope.” He said he felt like walking outside to a cliff and not stopping. They just want to live in peace, that his home and family in the Congo are all gone, the village is gone. The country is run by soldiers and if they go back they go back to die. He can't understand how a country that champions Human Rights can have a Home Office that is so inhuman. He said his baby died because mum couldn't cope with the stress. Hospital agreed to burial rather then cremation £30 from the midwives raffle money for refreshments Photographs of the baby Clothes, shoes books and toys from local families 15 people at the French speaking funeral ( including me and the midwife) Dad reluctant to let go of the tiny white coffin Back on the streets / sofa surfing Children shouldn’t have been destitute but more likely to happen now
2015, baby died to family from Eritrea What didn’t help Not being believed, being dismissed Poor communication between professionals and parents Being told repeatedly your baby is going to die Language and cultural barriers Not knowing choices What helped Supportive Community A safe place to share experience and cry Being listened too Not trying to make it better Having another baby
Could you help make Leeds a City of Sanctuary for bereaved asylum seekers and refugees? NO!
Maybe but how? Reflect on your preconceptions about asylum seekers and refugees. Listen with your whole body Use interpreters Show you care Offer choice, support and respect Signpost to appropriate statutory and non -statutory services. Join the City of Sanctuary Go for a Sanctuary Award
Together we can give create a culture of welcome and inclusion and change all our lives for the better! “We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us.” Jo Cox, maiden speech