BACKGROUND There is no generally accepted definition of e-waste. Unwanted, obsolete or unusable electronic products are referred to as ‘electronic waste’.
Problems Management and disposal of e- waste has become a serious problem among states nationwide, WHY? The problem of electronic waste (e-waste) is growing at an unsustainable rate. It is also found that E-waste contains hazardous material.
The fastest growing, and most toxic component of municipal garbage. Local governments are facing huge costs to handle e-waste and even greater costs if they do not capture this toxic stream and handle it in an appropriate manner.
Mobile phones; facts Production today- 23 phones/sec Sales million Sales million Sales million Subscribers-1.9 billion in 2005 Subscribers- 2.6 billion in 2009 Lifespan (with 1st user) (estimates from the Basel convention based study 2006).
Management and disposal options Regulatory and commercial scrutiny Also a commensurate entrepreneur interest. This has been largely achieved through reuse and refurbishing.
Re-use and Recycle Preventing waste in the first place is the preferred management option. This can be achieved through repairing, upgrading used electrical equipment. Make use of take back programs. Through recycling units are either reused or dismantled for recycling.
Dispose The least preferred option is to landfill electronic waste. This should only come as a last option but take care to consult with state regulations on disposal of any hazardous waste.
Benefits of Reuse Cut demand for new products and their Requirement for raw material Less packaging per unit Saved landfill space Challenges When materials cannot or will not be used, conventional recycling or disposal via landfill will follow
Each one of us has a role to play! Need for a e-waste policy and legislation. Encourage and facilitate organized recycling systems. Collect fee from manufactured/consumers for the disposal of toxic material. Incentive schemes for garbage collectors and general public for collecting and handling over e-waste. Awareness programs on e-waste for school children and general public.