Kingship in the Late Preclassic (c. B.C.) Maya Lowlands: The Instruments and Places of Ritual Power By Linda Schele & David Freidel We know for sure the Classic Maya practiced the institution of ahaw, kingship or “KING”. Characteristics, regarded as: 1) Divine supernatural 2) Equal w/ ancestor, dec & liv 3) Center of ritual practice 4) Common theology DERIVED FROM EVID.
Freidel and Schele propose that the institution of King originated in the fist century B.C. (the Late Preclassic). Invented to accommodate the ethos of egalitarianism and the condition of flourishing elitism brought on by advances in trade a social relations. Contrary to the belief that kingship originated in the Early Classic. By this time, the institution was fully functioning, accordingly. King Pacal’s Sarcophagus Lid - Palenque, Classic Period Supernatural Forces… King Objects propelling status…
Evidence for the institution of kingship…Late Preclassic Supernatural Forces… Jester helmet King E. Flares; objects that propel status… Lower west panel on Structure 5C-2 nd - Cerros
Jester God Glyph, 3 strand Pendants, Prophecy stones? Dumbarton Oaks Pectoral Dates to Late PreclassicDates to Late Preclassic 3 Strand Jester God, is worn or held, seen heavily in the classic period.3 Strand Jester God, is worn or held, seen heavily in the classic period. Tikal Burials 3 Strand Jester pendants found in burials, also date to Late Preclassic.3 Strand Jester pendants found in burials, also date to Late Preclassic. Cache at Cerros Green stone pendants, pierced for suspension. Also with Jester strands.Green stone pendants, pierced for suspension. Also with Jester strands. PROCEED TO EVID. Dumbarton Oaks Pectoral Evidence for the institution of kingship…Late Preclassic
Evidence for the institution of Kingship… Cache at Cerros (Structure 6B) Green stone pendants, pierced for suspension. Also with Jester strands.Green stone pendants, pierced for suspension. Also with Jester strands. Pendants could have been sewn on or suspended from bands. In arrangement as seen on the Dumbarton Oaks Pectoral.Pendants could have been sewn on or suspended from bands. In arrangement as seen on the Dumbarton Oaks Pectoral. Additional Evidence Found in a quadripartition “four directions”. Supported by sites in Rio Azul, Pomona Flare in Belize, and Peddler gods of the Classic.Found in a quadripartition “four directions”. Supported by sites in Rio Azul, Pomona Flare in Belize, and Peddler gods of the Classic. Schele concluded the pendants, were part of a royal crown.Schele concluded the pendants, were part of a royal crown. PROCEED TO STONES OF PROPHECY… Pierced
Evidence for the institution of Kingship… The Stones of Prophecy… “The following day physicians and sorcerers assembled in their house… They opened the bundles of their medicine, in which they kept little trifles, little idols of their gods. Of the kind which they used for casting lots”. Evidence now seen in the ethnographic record Given the scenario, Schele states the royal pendants found in the Late Preclassic could be so called stones of prophecy. Which would mean kings had extended shamanist powers. FINAL CONCLUSION Successful king institutions built ritual & theoretical practices that made king supernatural & divine. Sadly concludes by applauding her methods and not the material. Pierced
Strengths Weakness Strengths Weakness 1.Data was relevant, consistent and abundant. Rich all around… 2.Method was well implored “Text Analysis”. Looks for patterns in text and symbols… 3.Good job of tackling a dark issue in Maya studies, as far as the Late Preclassic is concerned. A vital contribution to Maya studies… 1.With all the data examined, maybe the study could have encompassed other Maya regions. 2.Conclusion was a bit pre-mature, not that it mattered…