STATE of the STATE Mathematics Education in Florida Debra Willacey Mathematics Program Specialist
District Contact Information Update, Update, Update…
Bureau Information Name, Chief, List Serv…
Public Review of Standards public meetings… (web 7) October 31, 2013
Florida’s State Board of Education Strategic Plan Mission Section , Florida Statute, establishes the mission of Florida’s education delivery system. The mission of Florida’s K-20 education system is to increase the proficiency of all students within one seamless, efficient system, by allowing them the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills through learning opportunities and research valued by students, parents, and communities. Vision To achieve the mission established in statute for Florida’s education delivery system, the State Board of Education presents the following vision statement. Florida will have an efficient world-class education system that engages and prepares all students to be globally competitive for college and careers.
Florida’s State Board of Education Strategic Goals Section , Florida Statute, establishes four goals for Florida’s education system. Each of these goals will be measured through the accountability system and progress will be documented through the performance indicators included in this Strategic Plan. Highest Student Achievement Seamless Articulation and Maximum Access Skilled Workforce and Economic Development Quality Efficient Services
Assessments in Assessments in FCAT 2.0 Reading Grades 3 to 10New English Language Arts Grades 3 to 11 FCAT 2.0 Writing Grades 4, 8, 10 FCAT 2.0 Mathematics Grades 3 to 8New Mathematics Grades 3 to 8 Florida Algebra 1 EOCNew Algebra 1 EOC Florida Geometry EOCNew Geometry EOC New Algebra 2 EOC FCAT 2.0 Science Grades 5 and 8 Florida Biology 1 EOC Florida US History EOC Florida Civics EOC
Florida’s State Board of Education Strategic Goals Section , Florida Statute, establishes four goals for Florida’s education system. Each of these goals will be measured through the accountability system and progress will be documented through the performance indicators included in this Strategic Plan. Highest Student Achievement Seamless Articulation and Maximum Access Skilled Workforce and Economic Development Quality Efficient Services
Statutory Goals ( ) Goal 1: Highest Student Achievement Goal 2: Seamless Articulation/ Maximum Access Goal 3: Skilled Workforce/ Economic Development PreK Students Improve kindergarten readiness K-12 Students Increase the percentage of students performing at grade level Increase high school graduation rates Expand STEM-related educational opportunities in high-demand areas Increase student participation and performance in accelerated course options Improve college readiness Expand digital education Increase career and technical education opportunities Improve adult education programs in school districts Teachers & Leaders Increase the percentage of effective and highly- effective principals Increase the percentage of effective and highly- effective teachers Increase the percentage of effective and highly- effective teachers at high- minority, high-poverty and low-performing schools Reduce the number of out- of-field teachers Reduce the number of out-of-field teachers at high-minority, high- poverty and low- performing schools
Statutory Goals ( ) Goal 1: Highest Student Achievement Goal 2: Seamless Articulation/ Maximum Access Goal 3: Skilled Workforce/ Economic Development PreK Students Improve kindergarten readiness K-12 Students Increase the percentage of students performing at grade level Increase high school graduation rates Expand STEM-related educational opportunities in high-demand areas Increase student participation and performance in accelerated course options Improve college readiness Expand digital education Increase career and technical education opportunities Improve adult education programs in school districts Teachers & Leaders Increase the percentage of effective and highly- effective principals Increase the percentage of effective and highly- effective teachers Increase the percentage of effective and highly- effective teachers at high- minority, high-poverty and low-performing schools Reduce the number of out- of-field teachers Reduce the number of out-of-field teachers at high-minority, high- poverty and low- performing schools Let’s look at the current status.
Graduation Rates Figure 1: Federal Graduation Rates, through
Graduation Requirements for a Standard High School Diploma and Scholar and Merit Designations
Five Year Trends Percent of Students Meeting College Readiness Benchmarks Year Number of Students Tested State National Mathematics State National ,297 1,480, ,4801,568, ,5751,623, ,420 1,666, ,131 1,799,
Percent of Students Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmark Scores by Race/Ethnicity
Florida SAT Scores Year National Average Reading SAT Score Florida Average Reading SAT Score National Average Math SAT Score Florida Average Math SAT Score
Mathematics Statistics State Percent Scoring Three and Above Grade Level FCATFCAT
State Percent Scoring Three and Above GradeWinter 2012 Spring 2013 Summer 2013 All *98* 7* Algebra 1 Statistics
State Percent Scoring Three and Above GradeWinter 2012 Spring 2013 Summer 2013 All *** 7*** *3032 Geometry Statistics
Course Descriptions and the Course Code Directory Update, Update, Update…
Despite the Current Status… You are doing great things!
Florida’s 2012 State PAEMST Finalists Florida 7-12 Mathematics Finalists Sandra Daire from Ada Merritt K-8 Center in Miami-Dade County Robin O'Brien from Seminole Ridge Community HS in Palm Beach County Sue Traynham from Walter L. Sickles HS in Hillsborough County Florida 7-12 Science Finalists John Clark from Deltona HS in Volusia County Guillermo Garcia from G.W. Carver MS in Miami-Dade County Carlos Montero from Dr. Michael Krop HS in Miami-Dade County
Sunshine State Scholars Program The minimum selection criteria for district scholars as well as one alternate from each district are as follows. Districts may establish additional criteria for selection as appropriate. – achieved Junior class status and has interest in pursuing postsecondary education opportunities in Florida – expressed or demonstrated interest in STEM-related studies – a weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.9 or higher – The student should be on track to qualify for the Florida Academic Scholars Award according to the current guidelines established for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program.
The Department is Here to Help! BCIBCI: Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction BEESSBEESS: Bureau of Exceptional Education in Student Services BSI-DABSI-DA: Bureau of School Improvement-Differentiated Accountability BSALABSALA: Bureau of Student Achievement through Language Acquisition CTECTE: Career and Technical Education JRFJRF: Just Read Florida
Speaking of Help… EOY Assessments
54 public school districts 3 others -P.K. Yonge -Florida School for the Deaf & Blind -Florida State University Schools Current CFAC Members
Q & A Debra Willacey Mathematics Program Specialist Phone: