Social protection floors Presentation to UNCT, Manila ILO, 21 May 2014
Starting point: UNDG and ILO’s letter (March 2014) Calls for the implementation of social protection floors as defined by ILO’s Recommendation on social protection floors Suggests 5 actions: 1.UN social protection floors teams 2.National dialogue on SPFs 3.Analysis & recommendations to complete the SPF 4.UNDAFs on social protection 5.Work with national statistics offices
Starting point: ASEAN Declaration on strengthening social protection (October 2013) Clear reference to the social protection floor concept and ILO’s Recommendation Carry out evidence-based national assessments of the social protection delivery systems in the respective ASEAN member states, in order to identify a number of concrete actions to improve the quality, coverage, and sustainability of social protection
Social protection floors: basic ideas Labour rights are human rights Social security is a human right (Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)) The SPF = a set of guarantees to ensure that this human right is a reality for all members of society Not only a development concept; also valid for humanitarian interventions
All residents have access to essential health care including maternity care All children enjoy basic income security (providing access to nutrition, education and care) All persons in active age who are unable to earn sufficient income (e.g. in case of sickness, maternity, unemployment, disability) enjoy basic income security All older persons enjoy basic income security Social protection floors: four guarantees
Poor and near poorInformal economyPrivate sector employees Civil servants Armed forces Social protection floor: social security guarantees providing income security and access to goods and services Non contributory schemes, waivers Partially contributory schemes Compulsory (and contributory) social insurance Social security system: based on the SPF, provide higher levels of protection to as many people as possible Level of protection Social protection floors: a minimum entitlement
UNDG/ILO letter UN SPF teams Social Protection Task Team in Nepal (UNICEF and ILO) UN Task Team on Employment and Social Protection in India (ILO) Task force on SPF in Sri Lanka (ILO) UN Social Protection Working Group in Mongolia (ILO) National Technical Working Group in Myanmar (UNICEF) UN SPF Joint Team in Thailand (ILO) IWG in Cambodia (WFP) SPF sub working group of the UNPDF in Indonesia (ILO) Etc. ??
UNDG/ILO letter national dialogue; analysis and recommendations: the ABND Assessment matrix Policy options Costing & fiscal space Action plan: priorities, sequence National dialogue
UN/RTG Team on social protection Royal Thai Government group MSDHS (co-chair) Ministries of Labour, Public Health, Education, Finance, Budget Bureau NESDB National Commission on Social Welfare Statistics Office Academia, Civil Society, Workers and employers representatives UN SPF Team ILO (co-chair) UNICEF UNDP UNFPA WHO UN WOMEN UNESCO UN RCO FAO, WB, IOM, UNHCR UNDG/ILO letter national dialogue (example)
UNDG/ILO letter analysis and recommendations (example) Cambodia; 0.4 – 2.4% GDP by 2020 Indonesia; 0.7 to 2.4% GDP by 2020 Thailand; 0.5 – 1.2% GDP by 2020Viet Nam; 2% to 6% GDP by 2020
ABND guide 1 st round (2011/13)2 nd round (2014/15) ABND Nov’10 Training Oct’12 Training Viet Nam Indonesia Thailand (Cambodia) Lao PDR Mongolia Myanmar The Philippines Solomon Islands Vanuatu Guide published in April 2014 Guide available at:
UNDG A-P Issues Brief on social protection A joint UN position on social protection Potential entry points for UNCTs to support the development of SP in Asia and the Pacific Many examples from various countries Publication: May/June 2014