2016 UNEG Evaluation Week April 2016 Geneva, Switzerland Annual General Meeting
Welcome to GVA and thank you GVA colleagues! WIPO, ILO, IOM, ITC, OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNCTAD, UNECE (Swiss contribution), UNHCR, WHO, WIPO, WMO
Extraordinary year
1. Strongest ever engagement by UNEG Members 38 Agencies and 188 members engaged in implementing UNEG workplan Financial contributions in 2015 was 433K USD, doubling from 2013 (202K USD)
2. 90% Workplan achieved or in progress Activity StatusNumbers of ActivitiesPercentage Achieved or close to completion3569% On track or in progress1121% Postponed or cancelled510% Total: 51100%
SO1: a stronger evaluation function Updated Norms and Standards Updated the evaluation technical competency framework and prepared a concept note on a professionalization system. Three peer reviews (UNRWA, ITC, and UNODC) were initiated (one completed) Newly established Decentralized Evaluation Interest Group explored possible areas of work and conducted a survey on the model/capacity of decentralized evaluation function of the participating agencies.
SO2: strengthening use SO2 product on use of evaluation was finalized A template for “a message of the month” on use of evaluation was developed and a series of webinars were organized February 23, 2016 UNICEF, What makes for useful evaluation recommendations? March 15, 2016 ICAO, The role and commitment of senior decision-makers April 5, 2016, GEF, What makes a meaningful stakeholder engagement in evaluation? April 19, 2016, IFAD, Rooting evaluation independence in the context of multilateral development organizations
SO3: System-wide evaluations A background study “Towards evaluability of the 2015 SDGs: a review of evaluability literature and past evaluation experience to inform UNEG’s contribution to Agenda 2030” was prepared Several webinars were organized on the reporting of the UN- SWAP Evaluation Performance Indicator (EPI) and evaluations of corporate gender mainstreaming. A working paper on UN-SWAP EPI Peer Learning Exchange was drafted and pilots were launched with UN-SWAP Peer Learning Exchange ongoing. The newly formed Humanitarian Evaluation Interest Group (HEIG) developed its work plan and commissioned a desk review of recent humanitarian evaluation practice. A concept paper was also prepared to clarify the priorities and scope for future work on the humanitarian-development interface. UNEG continues to engage in the Interim Coordination Mechanism (ICM) and the ISWE pilot evaluations.
SO4: UNEG co-leading global evaluation partnership UNEG has co-Chaired EvalPartners with IOCE since November SO4 joined forces with partners in the initiatives of EvalSDGs, EvalGender+ and EvalYouth. The UNICEF - UNEG/ALNAP e-learning on humanitarian evaluation and the Joint Systemic Review on Gender Equality for Development have been finalized and disseminated. Support to a course on M&E held by the UN System Staff College
SDGs and Evaluation UNEG provided inputs and comments to the 2016 Report of the Secretary-General on Implementation of QCPR and an update on the progress made towards building national evaluation capacities as required by Resolution A/RES/69/237. UNEG provided comments on the Report of the Secretary-General of Critical milestones towards coherent, efficient and inclusive follow-up and review at the global level. UNEG provided comments to the new UNDAF guidance for the 2030 Agenda.
3. Evaluation received increased prominence within the 2030 Agenda
Evaluation integrated in SDGs Evaluation has been integrated in the 2030 Agenda: “Follow-up and review processes at all levels will be guided by the following principles: […] g. They will be rigorous and based on evidence, informed by country-led evaluations and data which is high-quality, accessible, timely, reliable and disaggregated by income, sex, age, race, ethnicity, migration status, disability and geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts. h. They will require enhanced capacity-building support for developing countries, including the strengthening of national data systems and evaluation programs, particularly in African countries, LDCs, SIDS and LLDCs and middle-income countries. […]”
92 events to celebrate International Year of Evaluation, 10 of which by UNEG members
UN GA passed a resolution on ‘capacity building for the evaluation of development activities a the country level 4. Successful UNEG advocacy
What’s next? We have achieved a lot. But much more needs to be done This AGM is our golden opportunity to shape a stronger UNEG that should be relevant to all UNEG members, regardless its size, capacity, mandate, geographical location. UNEG should leave no one behind, while enhancing Member States to evaluate their own localized SDGs to be able to leave no one behind. I wish all of us a great and fruitful AGM!