Kansas Education Longitudinal Data System Update to Kansas Commission on Graduation and Dropout Prevention and Recovery December 2010 Kathy Gosa Director, Information Technology Kansas State Department of Education
Initiatives Build Upon Past Data Systems Work KSDE Enterprise Roadmap
Where we’re headed! 2009 ARRA IES SLDS competitive grant awarded to KSDE by IES to support Kansas education data systems proposal submitted by KSDE , and includes resources for KSDE KBOR KDOL Total award approximately $9.1 million over 3 years (7/2010 – 6/2013)
… Ed Licensure Teacher Assignment Special Ed Migrant Career & Tech Ed : Budget & Finance Discipline Cleanse – Integrate - Transform - Load … LEA Districts & Schools Student IDs S u b m I s s I o n a n d V e r I f I c a t I o n Staff & Stakeholder Training & Capacity Building + Data Governance Common Authentication – Security Architecture & Policies Tool and Process Standardization MetaData Definitions, Business Rules, Tech Info, Data Quality Organizations … Enterprise System Design Extraction & Analysis Assessment & Accountability ODS Assessments Postsecondary Data Existing In Progress Planned / Grant Enterprise Data Warehouse Longitudinal - Integrated Time Variant - Cleansed Education ID DID Engagement ACT data NSC Data Student ODS Educator ODS Labor Data Early Childhood Educator Evaluation Behavior Collection ID Assignment Multi-State SLF Unified Acct/Planning ABE Careers Finance Student Financial Aid Private / Independent Institutions Collaborative Workspace for Teachers & LEA Admin Educator Career Pathway Performance & Planning for Teachers, IHEs, LEA Admin, Public Data Mart P-20 Data Mart Research Data Mart State Rpts BI Interfaces: Dashboards, Rpts, HS Feedback Rpt Authenticated & Public Data Mart Fed Rpts Data Mart SFSF Data Mart LEA Analysis
Background ARRA IES SLDS Grant requirements included Meeting all 12 Required Elements specified in America Competes Act Unique Student ID Info on students not tested, by grade and subject Student enrollment, demographic, & program participation info Teacher ID system with ability to match teachers to students Student level exit and entrance for P16 Student level courses completed and grades earned Communicate with HE data system Student level college readiness test scores State data audit system for quality, validity, reliability Student level K12 to PS transition data, incl remedial courses Student level assessment data Data to address alignment and preparation for PS education Meeting all 7 Required Data System Capabilities Enable state to examine student progress & outcomes over time, including preparation for PS & workforce Enable exchange of data among agencies within state, and between states so that data can inform policy and practice Enable matching of students with teachers primarily responsible for instruction in various subjects Enable matching of teachers with their certifications and teacher preparation programs Enable timely reporting to parents, teachers, and school leaders for continuous improvement and decision making Ensure quality and integrity of data contained within the system Provide ability to meet ED reporting requirements, especially SFSF metrics and EDFacts reporting
Background In preparation to write the grant proposal, we met with KSDE program directors KBOR leadership Kansas Connected Systems KSDECommerce KBOR Corrections KDOL JJA SRS KDHE
Grant Initiatives Grant proposal is organized around 3 major goals: Expand ability of state longitudinal data systems to link across the P20 education pipeline and across state agencies. Ensure that data can be accessed, analyzed and used; and communicate data to all stakeholders to promote continuous improvement. Build the capacity of educators to use the system to develop expertise in effective practices; to use academic and behavioral data to inform instructional decisions; and to evaluate the effect of their decisions on student learning; and build the capacity of other stakeholders to use longitudinal data for effective decision making. 12 Initiatives to meet these goals are outlined by the grant to be accomplished within the 3 year period. Each initiative is made up of Activities which have timelines and deliverables.
Grant Proposal Overview
Expand and Link P20 Systems D. Expand KSDE’s student data collection system to integrate early childhood, formative assessment, and discipline data. 1. Expand collection of KSDE funded early childhood education program student outcome data [KSDE] 2. Implement an online formative assessment system [KSDE] 3. Enhance KAN-DIS to collect and provide comprehensive behavior data and to provide flexible reporting [KSDE]
Student ODS KIDS Collaborative Workspace and Early Warning Indicators Behavior Program Participation Course Completion State Assessments Interim Assessments
Streamline Access Through Unified Systems A. Implement a Collaborative Workspace and reporting system to enable educators to access, analyze, and use integrated data to support targeted student instruction, for school improvement, and to easily generate reports for parents and other stakeholder groups. 1. Develop and implement a Unified Standards Management and Reporting System (USMRS) [KSDE] 2. Integrate libraries of instructional resources into USMRS [KSDE] 3. Design and develop interface and structure for Collaborative Workspace [KSDE] 4. Integrate student behavior, assessment, early childhood, ACT test, and course completion data into Collaborative Workspace [KSDE] 5. Implement capability to include local data (e.g., achievement, activities, local assessments, daily attendance) into Collaborative Workspace [KSDE] 6. Define, design, develop and implement reports for the Collaborative Workspace, including K12 Early Warning report, teacher reports, school administrator reports, and a parent report template [KSDE]
Parents School Administrator District Administrator Educator Collaborative Workspace and Early Warning Indicators Local Data - Engagement - Attendance - Achievement … Collaborative Workspace Student ODS KIDS Behavior Program Participation Course Completion State Assessments Interim Assessments