Religious Sects & Anawim THE PEOPLE OF ANCIENT PALESTINE 8/31
Religious Sects within Judaism Sadducees Pharisees Essenes Zealots
Anawim Anawim- Hebrew word that means “the poor,” “meek,” or “lowly” Meet with your Martha partners. Discuss: who are the Anawim among us? Who have we encountered that are poor, meek, lowly?
The Anawim of Ancient Palestine Tax Collectors Common People Women Gentiles
Religious Sects Group Activity Who were they? What was the meaning of their name? Where did they worship? What activities did they do? What did they believe? How did they view others?
Anawim Group Activity Who were these people? How did Jewish society view these members? Why were these members disliked within Jewish society? How did Jesus treat and view these members of society? How are these same people treated in the world today? Think both within and outside of the United States