By Natalie
The whale is a mammal. They give birth to their young. They are born fin first.
Appearance It is the largest animal that is 115 feet long. Whales have blowholes on the top of their heads. They have hair called bristle. Whales can weigh up to 136 tonnes (272,ooo pounds).
Where whales are found and there habitat o Whales live only in water. o They only stay where the water is warm. o Many species of whales are found all over the place. o Whales are found in fresh water and salt water areas.
The Food That Whales Eat Whales are carnivores that means that they only eat other animals. Whales tend to eat fish, squid, seals, sea lions, walruses, birds, sea turtles, otters, penguins, polar bears, reptiles, sharks, octopus, and even smaller whales. As you can see whales have a very big verity of food, but however the feeding habits of whales will depend on the place they are inheriting at a particular time.
Interesting Facts One interesting fact about whales is that even though they live in water they still breath air. Whales can’t sleep very long because they have to remember to go to the surface to breath air. Whales brains sleep one half at a time they do this so that they can get the amount of sleep needed and still be able to breathe.