Unit 12
SS8H12: The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic, and political developments in Georgia since 1970.
How has Georgia developed socially, economically, and politically since the 1970’s?
By the 1960’s the County Unit System was becoming outdated. It gave considerably more power to rural areas than growing cities. Went to the Supreme Court in The Court said that “1 person means 1 vote!”
Georgia’s General Assembly was also ordered by federal courts to reorganize legislative districts according to population This reapportionment brought more…Women, African Americans and Republicans into the General Assembly This was done to make things equal and to allow districts to elect people who truly represented their background and interests
Means the reassignment of legislative seats among legislative districts according to district population
Turn to your elbow partner and discuss the impact of changing from the county unit system to the new idea of “1 person 1 vote.” Also, discuss who would support reapportionment and who would be against it.
Jimmy Carter was the first Georgian to be elected President of the United States. He served in the U.S. Navy He managed his family’s Peanut farm in Ga.
He was elected to the Georgia state senate in 1962 He was then elected governor in 1970 In his inaugural address, he informed Georgians that it was time for segregation to end!
Jimmy Carter was elected President of the United States in the 1976 election. He defeated incumbent Republican President Gerald Ford. He established human rights as a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy
Approach: Pledged to be honest Emphasized peace and human rights Camp David Accords Peace between Israel and Egypt which was negotiated by President Carter while at Camp David Problems plagued his presidency Oil Embargo Iranian Hostage crisis High Interest Rates
As a past President, Carter has worked continually to promote democracy and human rights around the world. In 2002, Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Is an award given annually to the person whose work has most benefited mankind! It is an high honor!
1. Jimmy Carter was the best governor of the state of Georgia. 2. Jimmy Carter was the first Georgian to be elected U.S. President. 3. In his gubernatorial, inaugural address, Jimmy Carter spoke out against segregation. 4. Jimmy Carter was elected U.S. president in Because Jimmy Carter spent so much time handling foreign affairs during his presidency, it is obvious that domestic issues were low on his priority list. 6. Jimmy Carter deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.
As Georgia grew and prospered, so did the fortunes of the Republican party in the state Democrats had dominated state government since Reconstruction.
Many white citizens thought that Democrats in Washington did not represent their views on segregation. As more Georgians became educated and successful, they agreed with the Republican platform of lower taxes Plus, the Republican party united in 1952 after being split into hostile factions for many years. This brought many Democrats and Independents into the Republican party
The rise of the Two-party system had a profound impact on Georgia. No longer does one party completely control state affairs. The concept of checks and balances is truly in effect, and open debate over issues is encouraged for the good of all Georgians. Factors in this change: 1. End of the county unit system 2. Reapportionment 3.GA shifted in 1960’s away from Democratic party because of their support for the civil rights movement
1964: Georgia elected their first Republican congressman since Reconstruction This trend continued In 2003 Sonny Perdue became the first Republican governor in Georgia since 1868
How do you think the two-party system has helped the Civil Rights Movement? 1. The two major political parties in the U.S. are _______ and ______. 2. The _____ Party controlled Georgia politics from Reconstruction to the middle of the 20 th century. 3. Georgians like the Republican platform of lower ______. 4. Name three results of the rise of the two-party system in Georgia. 5. __________ was the first Republican governor in Georgia since 1868.
In 1996 Atlanta hosted the Centennial summer Olympic Games The effect of this event was enormous! Brought investment to Georgia from all over the world!
Atlanta gained new hotel rooms, restaurants, and beautiful sports facilities. The Olympic Stadium became the new home of the Atlanta Braves baseball team
It also got new sidewalks and lighting, and trees were installed along busy streets. Centennial Park provided an oasis in the heart of the city.
Public housing in high-crime areas was replaced by apartments, and dormitories which were built for Olympic athletes became the property of state universities.
The estimated impact of the Olympic Games on the city of Atlanta was more than five billion dollars. Much of Georgia’s economic good fortune today is due to the Olympics This enhanced the state’s reputation as a great spot for tourism, conventions, sports, and business
New immigrant communities in Georgia have made important contributions to the state’s growth and economy. Georgia’s foreign-born numbers took a big jump between 1990 and An increase of 233 percent!
In recent years, immigrants have arrived from Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East Immigration has its greatest impact recently in northern Georgia. Hispanics have moved to fill jobs in the construction, poultry processing, and carpet manufacturing industries. Today one-quarter to one-half of carpet mill workers are Hispanic immigrants.
In 2011, the Georgia General Assembly passed an immigration law that is considered to be one of the toughest on illegal immigrants in the United States. For example, it allows police officers to question suspects about their immigration status and detain them if they are, in fact, illegally in the United States. To date, portions of this law have been blocked by a federal court. Note: As of October 2011, Georgia’s agricultural industry has reported the loss of millions of dollars in revenue. The consensus is that this is partially based on the immigration law.
Discuss each topic with elbow partner. Then, pick one of the following events/people and evaluate the effect that the person or event had on Georgia and write a paragraph. Changing Times for Modern Georgia Jimmy Carter Immigrant Labor Two Party System 1996 Olympics County Unit System ends