16 Lesson Plans to Prepare Small and Mid-scale Farmers to Enter Food Hubs, Groceries, Restaurants and Cooperatives.


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Presentation transcript:

16 Lesson Plans to Prepare Small and Mid-scale Farmers to Enter Food Hubs, Groceries, Restaurants and Cooperatives

test Unit 5.1 Introduction to Produce Safety This powerpoint presentation is a companion resource to the ‘Baskets to Pallets Teaching Manual’ available at smallfarms.cornell.edu Please see ‘Module 5 – Food Safety’ for additional teaching resources.smallfarms.cornell.edu

test Foodborne Illnesses Associated with Fresh Produce Impact Marketability and profitability Regulatory requirements Industry standards Buyer requirements Consumer confidence and buying preferences

1998 CDC data shows produce outbreaks increasing, guidance documents issued by FDA Growers begin receiving letters from buyers asking for food safety practices National GAPs program and other GAPs Extension Programs begin 2006 Spinach outbreak was a “game changer” 2007 Commodity specific GAPs imposed by some commodity groups 2009 FDA announces intention to develop regulation 2011 FSMA signed into law 2015 FSMA Produce Rule published in Federal Register Evolution of Produce Safety

test Impacts of Produce Outbreaks Outbreaks can affect farmers, retailers, consumers, regulators, and commodity groups 2006 Spinach outbreak (E. coli O157:H7) was a fresh produce industry game changer – Commodity specific GAPs imposed by commodity groups through marketing agreements 2004 – 2009 Multiple Salmonella outbreaks in tomatoes – 2007 Florida Tomato GAPs state regulation

test The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) FSMA includes: – Produce Safety Rule – Preventive Controls for Human Food – Preventive Controls for Animal Food – Foreign Supplier Verification Programs – Accreditation of Third-Party Auditors/Certification Bodies – Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food – Prevention of Intentional Contamination/Adulteration Focused on prevention of food safety issues and encompasses the entire food system

test FSMA Produce Safety Rule First ever mandatory federal standard for growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of fresh produce Some growers may be exempt/excluded based on: – Commodities grown (e.g., rarely consumed raw) – Processing activities that include a ‘kill step’ – Average annual produce sales – Average annual food sales and to ‘qualified end users’ Ultimately, all growers should understand and take action to reduce food safety risks on the farm

FSMA Produce Safety Rule: Key Provisions A – General Provisions B – General Requirements C – Personnel Qualifications and Training D – Health and Hygiene E – Agricultural Water F – Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin and Human Waste I – Domesticated and Wild Animals K – Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding Activities L – Equipment, Buildings, Tools, and Sanitation M – Sprouts N – Analytical Methods O – Records P, Q, R – Variances, Compliance, and Withdrawal of Qualified Exemptions

FSMA Produce Safety Rule Compliance Dates Published in the Federal Register on Nov. 27, 2015 and becomes effective Jan. 26, 2016 Business Sizes – All other businesses (>$500K): 2 years – Small businesses (>$250K-500K): 3 years – Very small businesses (>$25K-250K): 4 years Additional 2 years to comply with agricultural water requirements Final Regulations All other businesses (>$500,000) Small businesses ($250, ,000) Very small businesses ($25, ,000) Water quality standard compliance

10 Impacts of Buyer Demands Even though many may be exempt or not covered by FSMA, it is likely buyer requirements will continue to set the bar Buyers need/want to know food safety practices are in place – Written farm food safety plans and records – Third party audits Increased cost of production and stress – Practices (time, infrastructure, equipment) – Audits (cost share, grants, self-funded) Audits are not required for FSMA Farm food safety plans are not either!

test Produce Safety Outbreaks & Illnesses Changing and aging populations Immune-compromised individuals Availability of produce International markets Health initiatives Consumer preferences Changing microorganisms

Outbreaks Associated with Fresh Produce

Pathogen Types & Health Impacts

Microorganisms of Concern in Fresh Produce Bacteria – Salmonella, toxigenic E. coli, Shigella, Listeria monocytogenes Viruses – Norovirus, Hepatitis A Parasites – Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium parvum, Cyclospora cayetanensis test

Bacteria in the Farm Environment Bacteria are microorganisms that can multiply both inside and outside of a host Bacteria include pathogens such as Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes Bacteria can multiply rapidly given the right conditions: water, food, and the proper temperature Good Agricultural Practices can reduce risks by minimizing situations that support bacterial survival and growth test

Bacterial Growth If conditions are ideal, bacteria can multiply once every 20 minutes It is unlikely you’ll ever start with just ONE bacterium Some pathogens may make people sick with a dose of 10 cells or less What conditions are optimal? Food source Moisture Right temperature 20 min 2 40 min 4 1 hour 8 80 min min 32 # of BacteriaTime 2 hours 64 4 hours hours 262,144 8 hours 16,777,216

test Viruses Viruses are small particles that multiply only in a host, not in the environment or on produce Contamination most often linked to an ill worker handling fresh produce (fecal-oral route) or contaminated water It only takes a few virus particles to make someone ill Can be very stable in the environment Prevention is the key to reducing viral contamination Limited options for effective sanitizers

Parasites Parasites are protozoa or intestinal worms that can only multiply in a host animal or human Commonly transmitted by water Can be very stable in the environment; often not killed by chemical sanitizers Can survive in the body for long periods of time before ever causing signs of illness

test Produce Safety Challenges Fresh produce is often consumed raw (i.e., not cooked) Microbial contamination on produce is extremely difficult to remove once present – Natural openings, stem scars, bruises, cuts – Rough surfaces, folds, netting Contamination is often sporadic Bacteria can multiply on produce surfaces and in fruit wounds, provided the right conditions are present

How Contamination is Spread Produce Humans Animals Water Soil Buildings Equipment Tools

Moving Towards Produce Safety Believe there are risks!  Does your farm have soil, water, animals, and people? Review current practices Gain basic knowledge of microbiology, because it is not all common sense May need to seek help and that is ok!

Steps Towards Produce Safety 1 Assess Produce Safety Risks 2 Implement Practices 3 Monitor Practices 4 Use Corrective Actions 5 Keep Records

test Assessing Risks Start by assessing your farm and practices – Location of farm, fields, and adjacent land activities that may represent risks to the crops you grow – Fecal contamination risk from domesticated or wild animals – Use of water and manure in crop production – Worker training programs and hygiene facilities – Practices used to grow, harvest, pack, or hold produce – Tools, equipment, and building sanitation – Typical and atypical (e.g., flooding) situations – Any changes you’ve made recently

Implementing Practices to Reduce Risks Focus on preventing contamination – Cannot reliably remove contamination Address risks most likely to have the biggest impact on produce safety first May require modification of current practices and additional training for farm employees May require capital investment You may already be doing the right thing! Ask for help and seek training if you are unsure

test Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Any procedure or activity that reduces microbial risks to fruits and vegetables on the farm or in the packinghouse Focus on prevention Practices that can be implemented to reduce risks include: – Worker training programs – Water monitoring, testing, and treatment – Manure and compost management – Wildlife and animal monitoring – Postharvest handling and sanitation programs – Traceability and transportation

Monitoring Performed on a schedule or during a specific activity Allows you to verify practices are being completed properly Helps identify problems before they impact safety – Frequent high generic E.coli counts in water test results – Evidence of animal intrusion and fecal contamination – Improper cleaning and sanitation practices resulting in dirty equipment and tools

test Corrective Actions Can be established in advance – Negative consequences for workers not following practices – Plans for a spilled portable toilet Fix problems that are identified during monitoring – Restocking toilet and handwashing facilities – Retraining supervisors and farm workers May require short and long term planning – Establishing sanitation programs (short term) – Replacing equipment (long term)

Recordkeeping Recordkeeping includes documenting practices, monitoring, and corrective actions There are many templates available Recordkeeping should be convenient, or else it will not get done Records must be signed and dated after they are reviewed Keep all records for at least 2 years

test Produce Safety Begins with Your Commitment Making produce safety a farm-wide priority Identifying produce safety risks on your farm Supporting the implementation of food safety policies and practices to reduce risks Providing equipment and facilities necessary to implement practices that reduce risks Supporting effective food safety training so everyone can actively be involved in reducing risks and supporting your farm food safety plan Setting a good and consistent example

test Relevance to the Farm Protecting the health and safety of customers and consumers Protecting financial interest of farm Keeping up with industry mandates and federal regulations Potential for post-harvest quality gains

Progressive Farming Nothing ever stays the same Everything indicates food safety requirements are here to stay Consider the benefits of adopting food safety practices and developing a farm food safety plan Utilize resources and take advantage of assistance

test Produce Safety Education and Resources Lots of resources for GAPs, produce safety, and FSMA National GAPs Program – gaps.cornell.edu – GAPsNET, Online Produce Safety Course, Decision Tree Project Produce Safety Alliance – producesafetyalliance.cornell.edu – FSMA education and outreach, Train-the-Trainer & Grower Training Courses – National collaborators, webinar opportunities – Links to ‘sister’ FSMA Alliances

test Produce Safety Research & Outreach Produce safety research is critical to establishing science-based standards and practices that work to reduce food safety risks The Center for Produce Safety and Western Center for Food Safety lead research efforts FDA has established a National Coordination Center and 4 future Regional Centers for food safety education and outreach Produce safety research can be found in a variety of journals, including horticulture, food science, food safety, engineering, National GAPs Program Research & Extension Database