Ocean Floor Ocean Zones Chapter 3
The Ocean Floor Continental Shelf extends from the edge of the continent outward to where the bottom sharply drops off into a steep slope. This is the part you swim in at the beach, until the BIG drop-off about 1,300 km off the coast. Continental Shelf extends from the edge of the continent outward to where the bottom sharply drops off into a steep slope. This is the part you swim in at the beach, until the BIG drop-off about 1,300 km off the coast. Continental Slope is the steep incline between the continental shelf and the abyssal plain. This is the drop-off. Continental Slope is the steep incline between the continental shelf and the abyssal plain. This is the drop-off.
The Ocean Floor Abyssal Plains is the mostly flat portion of ocean floor which provides a home to a variety of unique organisms that are adapted to the extreme conditions of this habitat. Abyssal Plains is the mostly flat portion of ocean floor which provides a home to a variety of unique organisms that are adapted to the extreme conditions of this habitat. Hydrothermal Vent is an opening in the sea floor where super-heated water and other material are discharged into the surrounding seawater. Hydrothermal Vent is an opening in the sea floor where super-heated water and other material are discharged into the surrounding seawater.
Ocean Floor Mid-Ocean Ridge is a chain of undersea mountains that circles the earth through every ocean. This is where two oceanic plates are coming together. Mid-Ocean Ridge is a chain of undersea mountains that circles the earth through every ocean. This is where two oceanic plates are coming together. Ocean trench is the deepest part of the ocean. The deepest one is the Marianas Trench (located in the South Pacific Ocean - almost 5 miles (8.05 kilometers) deep. This is where sea-floor spreading occurs, or two oceanic plates moving apart. Ocean trench is the deepest part of the ocean. The deepest one is the Marianas Trench (located in the South Pacific Ocean - almost 5 miles (8.05 kilometers) deep. This is where sea-floor spreading occurs, or two oceanic plates moving apart.
Ocean Floor
Light Zones The Aphotic-Zone is the lowest layer of the ocean where light does not reach. The Aphotic-Zone is the lowest layer of the ocean where light does not reach. Photic-zone is the top layer of the ocean where sunlight penetrates. Photic-zone is the top layer of the ocean where sunlight penetrates. Disphotic Disphotic Euphotic Euphotic
Ocean Zones
Relationships Sustainability – capable of continuing (meeting the needs of the present) over a long period of time without causing permanent damage in the future. Sustainability – capable of continuing (meeting the needs of the present) over a long period of time without causing permanent damage in the future. Sustainability All these organisms are found in almost every marine habitat to help complete the food webs. All these organisms are found in almost every marine habitat to help complete the food webs.
Ocean Zones The Intertidal Zone is where the ocean meets the land. This area is exposed to air for part of the day. The Intertidal Zone is where the ocean meets the land. This area is exposed to air for part of the day.
Intertidal Zone Intertidal Zone - the area that lies between the low-tide and the high-tide line. Intertidal Zone - the area that lies between the low-tide and the high-tide line. Rocky shores Rocky shores Mangroves Mangroves Salt Marshes Salt Marshes Estuaries: a body of water where a river meets the ocean. Estuaries: a body of water where a river meets the ocean.
Estuaries Estuaries are areas where fresh water from streams and rivers spills into the ocean. Fresh water and salt water are always mixing in estuaries. Estuaries are areas where fresh water from streams and rivers spills into the ocean. Fresh water and salt water are always mixing in estuaries.
The Earth’s Oceans are a reservoir for nutrients, minerals, dissolved gases, and life forms
Gases are constantly being absorbed by the Ocean. The more turbulent the ocean, from wind, the more gasses are dissolved/absorbed.
Minerals and Nutrients are also found in abundance in the Oceans. They come both from land and from underwater Hydrothermal vents and sometimes from the Atmosphere.
The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. The ocean plays a major role in regulating the weather and climate of the planet.
Ocean currents travel from the Equator to the North or to the South. As these currents absorb heat from the sun at the equator they bring the warm waters either North or South where they cool down. The water loses it’s heat to the atmosphere which creates wind. The wind creates local climate on the land. As the wind travels, it gathers moisture which helps to cool the atmosphere. This can create more wind causing storms. As the moisture laden atmosphere cools, it releases the moisture in the form of precipitation.
Estuaries Plants and Animals of Estuaries Estuaries are rich in nutrients and support large numbers of plankton. The plankton provide food for larger animals, such as fish. Plants and Animals of Estuaries Estuaries are rich in nutrients and support large numbers of plankton. The plankton provide food for larger animals, such as fish. Mammals and birds feed on fish and plants in estuaries. Mammals and birds feed on fish and plants in estuaries. Filters Pollutions Filters Pollutions
Organisms by Zone- Intertidal Zones and Upper Photic Zones Nekton - free-swimming organisms whose movements are independent of the tides, currents, and waves. Nekton - free-swimming organisms whose movements are independent of the tides, currents, and waves. Phytoplankton - The plant and algae component of the plankton; the primary producers of most ocean food webs. Phytoplankton - The plant and algae component of the plankton; the primary producers of most ocean food webs. Zooplankton - Animal component of the plankton that feed on phytoplankton and other zooplankton (primary consumers). Zooplankton - Animal component of the plankton that feed on phytoplankton and other zooplankton (primary consumers).
Groups of Marine life
Coast-Shorelines, Rocky, Sandy, Coral Reefs Diverse plants and animals that have adapted to variable conditions. Diverse plants and animals that have adapted to variable conditions. Can tolerate variations in water salinity, D.O., and wave action Can tolerate variations in water salinity, D.O., and wave action Light Light Small percentage of total ocean body, but contains most of the seafood caught for human consumption. Small percentage of total ocean body, but contains most of the seafood caught for human consumption. Other coastal habitats: mangroves, kelp forests Other coastal habitats: mangroves, kelp forests Typical species: Fish species worldwide: 28,000 Fish species worldwide: 28,000 Cnidarians (seapens/Jellyfish/corals) worldwide: 11,000 Cnidarians (seapens/Jellyfish/corals) worldwide: 11,000 Crustaceans worldwide: 52,000 Crustaceans worldwide: 52,000
Zones of Life along a Rocky Shore Why are some animals and plants located in special zones and not all over? Why are some animals and plants located in special zones and not all over?
Sandy Shoreline Community Soft bottom communities are found in areas where Soft bottom communities are found in areas where sediment has accumulated sediment has accumulated Dominate the east coast Dominate the east coast of the U.S and the gulf coast Due to the environmental conditions most animals bury themselves in the substrate. Due to the environmental conditions most animals bury themselves in the substrate. Ghost crab
Sandy Beach Zonation
The Neritic Zone is farther away from the shore. The ocean floor starts to slope downward and the water is becomes deeper. The water is warm and receives a lot of sunlight.
Ocean Zones cont. The Oceanic Zone contains the deep water of the open ocean. Some animals in this zone live in very deep water. The Oceanic Zone contains the deep water of the open ocean. Some animals in this zone live in very deep water.
Deep Ocean Zones Surface zone- the top part of the ocean water. Surface zone- the top part of the ocean water. Transition zone- surface up to 1 km. Transition zone- surface up to 1 km. Deep ocean or Abyssal plain- mostly flat portion of ocean floor which provides a home to a variety of unique organisms that are adapted to the extreme conditions of this habitat. Deep ocean or Abyssal plain- mostly flat portion of ocean floor which provides a home to a variety of unique organisms that are adapted to the extreme conditions of this habitat.
Open Ocean-Pelagic Zone floating-garbage-patch floating-garbage-patch floating-garbage-patch floating-garbage-patch photosynthesis is performed by phytoplankton, algae. photosynthesis is performed by phytoplankton, algae. low in nutrients because organic debris (such as dead animals) sinks to much greater depths. low in nutrients because organic debris (such as dead animals) sinks to much greater depths. some areas nutrients are brought to surface by upwelling, storms, and ocean currents some areas nutrients are brought to surface by upwelling, storms, and ocean currents phytoplankton grow rapidly phytoplankton grow rapidly These areas are some of the most productive on the planet, supporting tons of life. These areas are some of the most productive on the planet, supporting tons of life. Typical species: squid, tuna, marlin, sharks, seabirds, dolphins, and toothed whales, blue whale, sea turtles Typical species: squid, tuna, marlin, sharks, seabirds, dolphins, and toothed whales, blue whale, sea turtles Light to approximately 200m Light to approximately 200m Temp in winter 55F to summer 65-70F Temp in winter 55F to summer 65-70F
Open Ocean-Mesopelagic Beyond the continental shelf Beyond the continental shelf Organisms migrate seasonally for mating and food resources (vertical sea column migrations) Organisms migrate seasonally for mating and food resources (vertical sea column migrations) Twilight zone of the ocean because little light penetrates this deep and beginning of bioluminescence range Twilight zone of the ocean because little light penetrates this deep and beginning of bioluminescence range Temp: 40-65F Temp: 40-65F
Open Ocean Organisms
The Benthic Zone is the ocean floor. The deepest parts of the benthic zone do not get any sunlight and are very cold. is the ocean floor. The deepest parts of the benthic zone do not get any sunlight and are very cold.
The Sea Floor-Benthic Zone includes the Abyssal Zone Depths of 2,000 to 6,000 meters (6,560 to 19,680 feet) Depths of 2,000 to 6,000 meters (6,560 to 19,680 feet) Perpetual darkness Perpetual darkness Very few species exist in this part relative to other ocean zones Very few species exist in this part relative to other ocean zones Extreme Pressure water pressure increases one atmosphere every 33 feet in depth Extreme Pressure water pressure increases one atmosphere every 33 feet in depth Animals: deep-sea anglerfish, giant squid, black swallower, tripod fish. Animals: deep-sea anglerfish, giant squid, black swallower, tripod fish. Hydrothermal vents: Chemosynthesis, the basis of life in the deep sea Hydrothermal vents: Chemosynthesis, the basis of life in the deep sea abundance of life around mid-ocean vents due to chemosynthetic bacteria-supported large tube worms, crustaceans, and multitudes of other organisms. abundance of life around mid-ocean vents due to chemosynthetic bacteria-supported large tube worms, crustaceans, and multitudes of other organisms. Temp: 33-40F year round Temp: 33-40F year round NO SUN NECESSARY!
Organisms by Zone- Deep Ocean Bioluminescence -The production of non-thermal light by creatures' converting chemical energy to light energy to lure prey, attract a mate, or assist in keeping like species together. An estimated 75 percent of benthic creatures glow. Bioluminescence -The production of non-thermal light by creatures' converting chemical energy to light energy to lure prey, attract a mate, or assist in keeping like species together. An estimated 75 percent of benthic creatures glow. Benthos - organisms that live on or in the ocean floor. Benthos - organisms that live on or in the ocean floor.
Salinity-generally increases with depth surface fluctuations are caused by formation of sea ice, influx of fresh water, and evaporation
The Sargasso Sea is a region that covers approximately 2/3 of the Atlantic Ocean. It is named after the Sargassum Seaweed that accumulates as a result of ocean current gyres.
Warm up: What are the six indicators of Water Quality?
Today a representative from Concord High School will be going over some important information. If you are going to attend CHS, you will be called out one-by-one to discuss High School and course options. This is where you an ask important questions about your transition to CHS. All students… After the brief presentation by the Concord HS representative, you will work on a gizmo, review the Tide gizmo, and work on your study guide for the test next week.
Benthic zone vents?source=relatedvideo vents?source=relatedvideo and-census-marine-life and-census-marine-life
Ocean Zones
Upwelling the upward movement to the ocean surface of deeper, cold and usually nutrient-rich waters, especially along some shores, due to the offshore movement of surface water. the upward movement to the ocean surface of deeper, cold and usually nutrient-rich waters, especially along some shores, due to the offshore movement of surface water.
How are Terrestrial and Aquatic Food webs linked? Look at the image below. Discuss with the others at your table how Terrestrial and Aquatic food webs are linked. What is a trophic level? Where is most of the “Energy” in this web?
Look at the food web to the right. Be able to describe how the two food webs shown are linked together. Discuss with your group, the importance of a change in a population at one trophic level would affect the other trophic levels. A trophic level is a level in the food chain/web. Trophic levels are: Producers Primary consumers Secondary consumers Tertiary consumers Quaternary Consumers Quaternary consumers are also called Apex Predators
Take out your Gizmo worksheets. You have 40 minutes to work on your Gizmos. Water Pollution Tides Water cycle
Study guide: Add these to the study guide Dissolved gases in the Ocean Nutrients in the Ocean Upwelling Aquatic and Terrestrial food webs are linked Ocean Zones: Benthic Intertidal Neritic Pelagic Nektonic