Life on the Great Plains Most Plains people were famers and hunters. The buffalo in the region were a major source of food.
What are the names of some of the tribes of the Great Plains? Lakota Sioux Pawnee Osage Cheyenne
Why was buffalo hunting dangerous? The large, fast animals could trample hunters.
How were tepees in the Great Plains similar to longhouses in the Eastern Woodlands? How were they different? Both were dwellings with wooden frames. The longhouses were long, permanent shelters, but tepees were pointed, temporary shelters.
If the Cheyenne traveled southeast across the Great Plains to hunt buffalo, whose territories would they cross? The Arapaho, the Kiowa, the Quapaw, the Wichita, and the Comanche territories.
Summarize the effect of horses on the mobility of the Cheyenne. The use of horses enabled the Cheyenne to hunt buffalo more easily, to travel faster, and to move heavier loads.