My name is Kitchi it means brave I am a part of the Comanche tribe I live in the region called the southern plains It is the year 1500 This is my story……..
Hi! We have recently moved to a different place and I am helping my mom set up a tipi. Tipis are homes made out of buffalo hides and there my dad is. He got the buffalo hides because our old ones are really old. Our tipi is designed to break down and build up easily. t
It is morning and I am wearing my clothes. My dad and I wear buckskin war shirts and breechcloths with leather leggings. My mom wears a long deerskin dress. By the way a breech cloth is a tanned piece of animal skin. Breechcloth Leggings
Finally! It is lunch time and I can’t wait to eat buffalo meat but I also eat nuts berries and wild potatoes. But before we can eat one we need to hunt one. My dad and my brothers are hunting with me. We are stalking a buffalo with a bow right now. native-americans-on-thanksgiving/
We are moving again because there is no more buffalo in the other area. My mom is carrying the tipi. She owns the tipi. Ahhhh! Another tribe is charging at us. My dad is going to defend us and our chief is shouting war orders. All of the chiefs are usually men. Comanche Warrior
Shh! I am hunting for buffalo this long grass gives me an advantage at hiding and the flat land gives me a good advantage at running. I quickly release an arrow from my bow and Yes!! I got the buffalo in the eye.
Ahh! Finally some rain. We don’t get rain fall that much in the great plains. There are many plants in the great plains but the most common are tall grass, asters, blazing stars, goldenrods, sunflowers, wild oats, clovers, wild indigos, and buffalo grass because they don’t need much water to survive. The most common animals in the great plains are bison, antelope, prairie dogs, coyotes.
Brrrr! It is winter in the great plains but it is really weird how our summers are extremly hot but the winters are as cold as can be. We never get much snow or rain. It is so dry that when we get rain our region gets flooded.
I am so glad to be in the tipi. Outside it is freezing cold and all of us have to wear buffalo hide robes. We also don’t have much buffalo meat when its cold mostly we eat rabbits, wild potatoes, and nuts. In summer we almost have buffalo meat all the time and we spend more time hunting and playing outside.
Ahh! A tornado is coming I hate tornados because we need to leave everything and run for our lives. “Come on Mom and Dad let’s get a move on or else we will be flung a 100 ft. of the ground”, why couldn’t it be a hail or thunder storm!? Its good that tornados typically last for 5 minutes.
I think the tornado happened because the more we moved northward it felt colder and when we travelled southward it felt warmer, most likely the warm and cold wind met and made a dry line which created a tornado. Since we leave everything when we have a tornado we will have to rebuild our tipis, stock up on our food, make new weapons and make new clothes.
Phew! We have recovered from the tornado. We would have usually stayed in the tipi to protect ourselves from a regular storm but tornados are really big and would blow away our tipis and that is why we need to run away. In winter to protect ourselves from the cold we would wear thick buffalo hides. In summer we hunt a little extra. Since there is plenty of sun we dry the meat to store for winter and make buffalo hides for winter clothing.
Head of our temple has told us that people from a different place shall come in the future but also says to be careful with those people. He also states that our outlook might not be very good. We are making future plans to trade but at the same time stay safe.
Finally! This is my last journal entry and I want to thank you for reading my journal. My journal went pretty well but it was really frustrating how it was really hard to find information. I think I did well on this project and hope to get an A because I put a lot of time and effort into this. I even stopped playing on weekends and worked till I finished. The Comanche by Mary Englar copyright 2004 isbn: &printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r& cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false(internet book) &printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r& cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false weather-outbreak-across-great-plains-us/ weather-outbreak-across-great-plains-us/ uses oftornadoes.shtml usesoftornadoes.shtml