Submitted by 1.Paregi Nitin ( ) 2.Chudasma divyesh.( ) 3.Parmar Kevin R.( ) 4.Parmar Vijay D.( ) 5.Patel sagar d.( ) GUIDED BY Prof. R.n.chovatiya LUKHDHIRJI ENGINEERING COLLEGE, MORBI L.E.COLLEGE MORBI (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING)
HYDRO POWER PLANT The hydro power plant play very important role in development of the country as it provides power at cheapest rate as source of natural energy About 20% of power of the total world power is generated by hydropower station The main source of hydroelectricity is the water which is the readily available in india
MAJOR APPLICATIONS OF HYDRO POWER PLANT The controll the floods in the river To produced electricity To store the water for irrigation To store the drinking water To supply a drinking water Small hydro power plant is used for serving a small community or industrial plant Micro hydro power plant is used to provide power to an isolated home
PRINCIPAL OF GENERATION OF HYDROPOWER The water of hydrolic turbine converts kineticenergy in to the potential energy in mechanical power and is thus a prime mover which couple to a generator,produced electrical power the power plants designed to produced electrical power from water,flowing continuously under pressure are known as “HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER PLANTS”.
COMPONENTS OF HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER PLANT Catchment area:it is the whole area behind the dam. Reservoir:to store the water during rainy season and supply the water during dry season. Dam:a dam built across the increase the working head of the power plant Trashrack:to prevent the entry of a debris which might damage the fixed blades and runner of turbine. Forebay:this are a kind of storage tanks which are present at end of the head race pipe. Surge tank:it provides better regulation of water in the system during variable load conditions.
COMPONENTS OF HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER PLANT Penstock:to carry water under the pressure from the large reserviour to the turbine. Slipway:to discharge major floods without damage to the dam and same time keep the reserviour level below predetermine maximum level. Turbine:to converts kinetic energy in to mechanical energy and produced electric energy Electrical generator Power house Draft tube
SITE SELECTION FOR HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER PLANT 1) Availability of water 2) Water storage 3) Water head 4) Catchment area 5) Availability of a water and type of land 6) Accessibility of the site 7) Distance from load centre
CLASSIFICATION OF HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT o According to availability of head o Low head plants:when the head of water available is less then 50m,the power plant is called low head this plant generally francis,propeller or kaplan turbine used as a prime mover o Medium head plants:when available head usually lies between 50m-300m the plant is called medium head plants. In this power plant francis,propeller,or kaplan turbine are used o High head plants:when available head is usually greater than 300m its used infrancis and pelton wheel turbine.
According to the quantity of water available Run off river plant Run ofn river plant with reserviour Storage type plants Pump storage plants Mini and micro hydro plants CLASSIFICATION OF HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT
According to nature of load Base load plants Peak load plants CLASSIFICATION OF HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT
ADVANTAGES OF HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER PLANT 1. the operating cost of hydroelectic plant is less compare to thermal and other power plant 2. The cost of power generation of hydro electric power plant is not affected by the load factor 3. Yhere is no requirement of a fuel 4. Less mechanical problem and no required any special material for construction of plant 5. The life of hydroelectric power plant is year of thermal power plant.
DISADVANTAGES 1. the investment cost of hydroelectric power plant much more than thermal power plant 2. Power generation by hydro electric plant depends on water availability which depends on natural phenomenon of rain 3. The side of hydroelectirc plant is selected where water availability at economical head 4. Time required for construction of plant is much more than thermal power plant
Thank you