8 Persuasive Messages
Introduction Writing Persuasively Types of Persuasive Messages Sales Messages
Writing Persuasively Get people to act the way you want them to act Make your audience want to fulfill your request Useful in sales, job applications, and when asking for favours or donations
Preparing to Write Persuasively What do you want the reader to do? What motivates him or her? What is the best way to get the message across? o Design and layout o Positive, accurate tone What objections might your reader have?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Preparing to Write Persuasively, cont’d How to deal with objections o Present idea as a win–win proposition, or o Acknowledge drawbacks, but emphasize positive results Short-term pain for long-term gain Advantages outweigh disadvantages
Persuasive Appeals Appeal to reason (logos) o Facts and logic Appeal to emotion (pathos) o Feelings Appeal to ethics/credibility (ethos) o Expertise, reputation, authority
Indirect Writing Plan for Persuasive Messages Obtain interest Demonstrate benefits Call to action
Favour and Action Requests Get the reader’s attention Tell them what benefits they will get o Include specific details Ask them to take action o Provide contact information
Persuasive Memos Summarize the problem Explain the solution Minimize resistance Request specific action
Claim Requests Direct approach o Straightforward cases Indirect approach o If you anticipate resistance
Claim Requests, cont’d Be objective o Avoid angry language o Provide evidence to back up your claim Ask clearly for a specific action to resolve the claim
Collection Letters Three stages 1.Reminder Friendly tone; assumes the reader has forgotten to pay 2.Inquiry Positive appeal to fairness, reputation, sympathy or self- interest 3.Demand Ultimatum warns of penalties for non-payment
Sales Messages: Analyzing the Product and Audience Study the product or service Profile the target audience Stick to the facts Choose the most effective approach o Look o Timing o Personalization o Tone
Writing Plan for Sales Letters Gain attention Introduce the product Make the product or service desirable Ask for a simple action
Sales Message Follow-up Confirm the purchase Confirm the details of the sale and any additional services Express goodwill and promote future business
Fundraising Messages Identify a problem or cause Show that the problem is “solvable” o How your organization can respond Explain what you’re doing Ask for a donation