Discover- ing Cells Looking inside Cells Chemical Compoun ds in cells The cell in its environ- ment Remem- ber this?
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QUESTION 1-1 What are cells?
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ANSWER QUESTION 1-1 Click on picture to go back to Game board. Cells are the basic unit of living things.
QUESTION 1-2 How did the invention of the microscope contribute to our knowledge of living things?
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ANSWER QUESTION 1-2 It helped us to see cells for the first time. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 1-3 How do microscopes produce magnified images?
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ANSWER QUESTION 1-3 It magnifies the stuff into a bigger image then that bigger image gets magnified even more at the next lens. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 1-4 How did cells get their name?
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ANSWER QUESTION 1-4 Click on picture to go back to Game board. Robert Hooke saw the little sections and thought they looked like little rooms so he called them cells.
QUESTION 1-5 List the three points to the cell theory.
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ANSWER QUESTION All living things are made of cells. 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things. 3. All cells are produced from other cells Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 2-1 How are cells organized in many- celled organisms?
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ANSWER QUESTION 2-1 Cells Tissues Organs Organ systems Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 2-2 Which organelle is responsible for converting energy in the food molecules to energy the cell can use?
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ANSWER QUESTION 2-2 Mitochondria Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 2-3 Where are chromatin found and what is their function?
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ANSWER QUESTION 2-3 They are in the nucleus of the cell and they contain the genetic information for the cell. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 2-4 Which organelle carries proteins and other materials from one part of the cell to another?
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ANSWER QUESTION 2-4 Endoplasmic Reticulum Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 2-5 How do bacterial cells differ from plant and animal cells?
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ANSWER QUESTION 2-5 The bacterial cells are smaller and don’t have a nucleus. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 3-1 What is an element (definition)? Give one example.
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ANSWER QUESTION 3-1 Any substance that cannot be broken down anymore. (Example will depend on student) Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 3-2 What are compounds? Give one example.
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ANSWER QUESTION 3-2 Compounds are two or more elements chemically combined. (Example will depend on student.) Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 3-3 What are the 4 main kinds of organic molecules in living things?
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ANSWER QUESTION 3-3 Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic acids. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 3-4 Name two types of nucleic acids and their functions.
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ANSWER QUESTION 3-4 Click on picture to go back to Game board. DNA – carries genitic material from parent to offspring. RNA – helps out in the production of proteins.
QUESTION 3-5 In what three ways is water important to cells?
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ANSWER QUESTION It need to be present for most chemical reactions to take place. 2. It helps cells keep their shape and form. 3.It helps regulate temperature. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 4-1 What are the two types of transport? Give an example of each.
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ANSWER QUESTION 4-1 Active (Engulfing) and passive (osmosis) Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 4-2 In which direction will passive transport always flow?
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ANSWER QUESTION 4-2 From an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 4-3 Why is osmosis important to cells?
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ANSWER QUESTION 4-3 Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a membrane of a cell and a cell cannot survive without water. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 4-4 What is the concentration of a mixture that has 2 cups of sugar dissolved in 5 cups of water? Express your answer as a ratio.
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ANSWER QUESTION 4-4 Click on picture to go back to Game board. 2cups : 5 cups
QUESTION 4-5 What causes diffusion?
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ANSWER QUESTION 4-5 The molecules are constantly moving and bumping into each other. They will continue to do this until they are evenly distributed. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 5-1 What is mass?
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ANSWER QUESTION 5-1 The amount of matter in an object. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 5-2 What is volume?
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ANSWER QUESTION 5-2 How much space an object takes up. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 5-3 Which will change if you are on the moon – your weight or mass?
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ANSWER QUESTION 5-3 Weight because it is dependent on the amount of gravity. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 5-4 What tool do we use to find mass?
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ANSWER QUESTION 5-4 Triple beam balance. Click on picture to go back to Game board.
QUESTION 5-5 How do you find the volume of a liquid?
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ANSWER QUESTION 5-5 Read the level of the liquid in the graduated cylinder. Click on picture to go back to Game board.