1 ePortfolio update for 2014 Joel Smith
Contents Overview of changes to the foundation ePortfolio relating to ARCP 2014 Overview of changes to the foundation ePortfolio for training year
3 ARCP Changes
New F1 ARCP outcome Form New F2 ARCP outcome Form Two new "Additional Evidence" forms (F1 and F2) Updates to the "Review of evidence" summary page (F1 and F2) New “A1FC” certificate form New “FACD” certificate form Removal of the current 5.1 and 5.2 admin pages New admin page for managing end of year certificates New Roles – FSM, ARCP Chair New Form Rs
Outcome Forms Slight updates to format Process remains largely the same
"Review of evidence" summary page Two new "Additional Evidence" forms –Will allow evidence for sign off that is not currently captured –One form per trainee, multiple admins can add evidence –Optional usage Updates to the "Review of evidence" summary page (F1 and F2) –All sign off requirements can be covered –Link to additional evidence forms –Link to certificates page
AF1C and FACD Certificates exist as ePortfolio forms –Reformatted to look more “official” – Automatically generated from fully complete outcome forms with appropriate outcomes –Created “unreleased” to trainee –Image of FSD signature automatically inserted –After release, trainees and admins can print direct from the form New certificate management page
New Roles FSM –Admin role –Has some extra permissions E.g. Can delete ARCP outcome form ARCP Chair –Similar to ARCP assessor –Can create outcome forms –Used in parts of UK where ARCP panel chairs not FPDs
ARCP Changes Details of release schedule –Most features released 26 th April Some features later on –Form Rs (3 rd May 2014) –Certificate Admin page (Mid-May) –Link between summary of evidence page and attention items
Changes (non-ARCP)
2014 Changes New wording on declarations and agreements Updated wording/questions on Educational Supervisor initial meeting form Updated joint ES/CS initial/induction meeting form New “account type” value in personal details Removal of the option of linking to the Curriculum headings from the SLE forms
2014 Changes Curriculum Updates –Changes to curriculum on ePortfolio Updated list of TAB assessor categories Updated reflection form Return of retired “interesting cases” form Set of pre set up folders in personal library
TAB Allied Health Professionals. The final list should be: –Arts therapists (art therapists, drama therapists and music therapists) –Chiropodists/podiatrists –Dietician –Occupational therapists –Orthoptists –Orthotists –Operating Department Practitioner –Paramedics –Pharmacist –Physiotherapists –Phlebotomist –Prosthetists –Radiographers –Social workers –Speech and Language therapists
Curriculum changes New “7.2 Ensures correct patient identification” outcome subheading Updates to “safe prescribing” outcomes Updates to “investigations” outcomes
15 Further updates to follow…..